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Carrie Bradshaw in theme song dress
Carrie Bradshaw in theme song dress
Culture > Entertainment

Why ‘Sex and the City’ is a must watch

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mizzou chapter.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. A show all about sex isn’t something you would normally go for. But trust me when I say that the story of four friends living in New York City and grappling with the highs and lows of adulthood is something you need to see.

The six seasons of the show follow Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker), Miranda Hobbs (Cynthia Nixon), Samantha Jones (Kim Cattrall) and Charlotte York (Kristin Davis) as they navigate life in the big city and attempt to find love.

The episodes fly by and show the lives of each of the friends through the perspective of Carrie Bradshaw. She works as a sex columnist in a local newspaper and is always using conversations and struggles her friends are having as inspiration for her column.

Whether it’s relationship struggles, shoe shopping or cosmopolitans, Sex and the City highlights the importance of friendship and staying true to yourself. 

The show is definitely something to watch in your early twenties and makes you reflect on a lot of different topics that other shows normally don’t tackle. I never thought a show like this would be something I would enjoy, because I normally don’t have casual conversations about sex, or have extensive things to say about the topic. But boy, was I wrong.

Not only did the show make me more comfortable with myself and my body, but it also inspired me to openly talk about sex with my friends and not be ashamed of it. My roommate and I really bonded over having open and honest conversations about the scenes we were watching and it was honestly quite enjoyable.

What made the most impact on me was the way each of the women navigate their romantic relationships. I’ve had very similar experiences from those brought up in the show and the advice they give each other as well as themes that were presented really helped me get through rough times.

Carrie, Miranda, Samantha and Charlotte begin to feel like four older sisters by the end of the show and I wish the episodes never ended. All episodes can be watched on HBO Max I would also recommend watching the movies after you’ve finished the show for an extra addition to the plot.

Sophia Donis

Mizzou '23

I’m a Journalism major with a minor in Political Science from the Chicago suburbs! I love interior design, spending time with my friends and snuggling up with a good book!