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Todd Morris, Cosmo Bachelor of the Year Contestant

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mizzou chapter.

Meet 23 year-old Todd Morris, a Lees Summit native and Mizzou nursing student. He’s shy, sweet, and extremely humble. Morris was recently featured in Cosmopolitan magazine as the Missouri contest for Bachelor of the year.  

Her Campus: What made you want to do nursing?
Todd Morris: My grandpa is a doctor so I always grew up around the idea of doing something medical. Then I realized closer to college that I wanted to have a bigger impact on my patients and have the ability to create relationships with my patients. Then sophomore year of college my sister got diagnosed with brain cancer so taking care of her and seeing the relationship she had with her hospice nurses really concreted my pursuit of nursing.

HC: Why did you choose Mizzou?
TM: It’s the only school I applied to. I always grew up knowing that I wanted to be a tiger.

HC: What is your favorite Mizzou Memory so far?
TM: Probably the MU vs. KU game 3 years ago at Arrowhead where we won by a field goal. That was huge.

HC: What organizations are you involved in?
TM: Right now just nursing student council. Nursing school takes up a lot of my time. Before nursing school I was involved in stripes, I was a member of the wake board water ski team, and I attended the Rock.

HC: What is your favorite Study Spot?
TM: Unfortunately I spend most of my time in the med library. It’s not the most exciting place in the world, but I get a lot done.

HC: What’s your favorite place in Columbia?
TM: Booches, their slider burgers are the best in town.


HC: How did you get involved with the competition?
TM: Last year a friend of mine in nursing school brought up the idea just as a joke. I’m pretty sure her exact words were, “I’m whoring you out to America.” I didn’t really see the harm in it. I figured I could amuse her and go along with it because it wouldn’t go anywhere. So I went along with it and got a call in May.

HC: What made you decide to go through with the competition?
TM: It’s just a once in a lifetime thing. I figured there wasn’t any harm in it, and even if I did get the chance to go through with it, it would be something I could talk about for forever.

HC: What was your reaction when you found out you were selected to be Missouri’s Bachelor?
TM: I was completely shocked. I kind of put it in the back of my head for a while because it was right after finals. So when they called I was completely flabbergasted that I even made the cut. I think it was because I went into it with the mindset that I wasn’t going to get it.

HC: What has the process been like so far?
TM: Once I signed on as the Missouri bachelor, we had to pick a date to fly out to New York for a photo shoot. I went in June, and met up with 16 of the other Cosmo bachelors. Then they drove us out to the Hamptons and did hair, make-up, and wardrobe, the whole nine yards. We got our photos taken there. Then the only step has been the issue hitting the stands. We go back to New York in a couple of weeks for PR stuff.

HC: How have your friends and family reacted?
TM: My friends didn’t really believe me at first. My mom wasn’t a huge fan of it at first because she knows Cosmopolitan is a more raunchy magazine. I think she’s eased up to the fact that her son is in something cool like that.

HC: Have people on campus been treating you differently?
TM: Not so far, no one has really said anything to me. My life has just been going on as is.

Get To Know Todd Morris

HC: What are five words that describe you?
TM: Dedicated, family man, adventurous, shy, laid back

HC: Unique fact:
TM: I was a huge theater nerd all through high school. No one really knows that.

HC: What is your favorite Pick Up line?
TM: I’ve never used a pick up line. I’m pretty shy so whenever I see a girl I’m interested in I don’t usually have the courage to go up to her and say anything.

HC: What is your most embarrassing moment?
TM: Freshman year I was with the wrong fig for like 4 days until I realized it wasn’t the nursing fig.

HC: What is your favorite Quote?
TM: “Faith in something and enthusiasm for something makes life worth living.”

HC: What is the last song played on iPod?
TM: “I’ll Wait” by Mumford & Sons

HC: What are some things on your bucket list that you definitely want to accomplish?
TM: Get married, start a family, go to grad school, travel, bungee jump.

HC: Do you have any hidden Talents?
TM: I’ve never lost at Mario Party.

HC: What is your idea of a perfect first date?
TM: Go to a concert, something where it’s not too awkward, and something we both enjoy. Maybe a simple walk around town just to get to know each other.

HC: What do you look for in a girl?
TM: Goal oriented, she has to know what she wants and when she wants it. Confident in herself, but at the same time be able to go out on the town without having to dress up. Be confident in what she looks like, who she is and who she is as a person. She has to be family oriented. I think family is a huge thing when you’re dating a girl just because when you marry a girl, you marry into the family. So if the family doesn’t fit, it’s not going to be good. She has to be funny; she has to make me laugh. She has to be smart.

HC: What’s the biggest turnoff:
TM: Smoking

HC: Who is your celeb Crush?
TM: Mila Kunis

HC: What is your dream Job?
TM: CRNA up in the mountains in Colorado

HC: Who do friends say you celebrity look alike?
TM: Eli Manning

HC: If you could switch lives with anyone for the day, who would it be:
TM: Will Farrell because he lives the craziest life and he’s hilarious.

HC: In Ten Years where do you see yourself?
TM: In ten years, happily married with kids and hopefully living a successful life.

HC: What’s one piece of advice you have for other bachelors out there?
TM: Stick with it. Just because you single for a long amount of time doesn’t mean there’s not someone out there for you. Play the single card all you want, live it up, you’re young. You have plenty of time to find someone out there.

Check out more about Todd here and be sure to vote for him! 


Brooke Hofer is a senior at the University of Missouri. She is majoring in Strategic Communications through the School of Journalism while also pursuing minors in Classics, Psychology and a general Honors degree. In addition to writing for Her Campus, Brooke is an active member of Kappa Delta Sorority (Epsilon Iota chapter), Vice President of Sigma Alpha Pi, and she is a barista in the Columbia, Missouri area. Brooke loves working out, writing short stories, reading old books, and spending time with her family and friends in Kansas City. She hopes to eventually travel the world while working in the advertising or public relations industry.