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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mizzou chapter.

Just because you aren’t traveling anywhere during spring break does not mean that you can’t feel like you’re on vacation. If drinking on a beach isn’t your style or the pandemic prevents you from traveling anywhere this year, you can have a perfect week of relaxation in your own hometown. Even celebs started sharing this mentality.

“I’m really not sure why as soon as we get a break we hop on a plane and leave the UK,” singer Rochelle Humes wrote on Instagram. “Staycationing for the win. We have made so many memories already.”

You don’t need to be in Miami or New York City to experience new adventures; sometimes, you just have to take a closer look at the place you call home.


Take this day to spend with your family and loved ones. Catch up on anything and everything that has happened since you last saw them. This could be the perfect excuse for a mimosa-filled brunch! Your family won’t be on your back to spend time with them for the rest of your stay and you’ll have enjoyed a fun meal together.


A lot has happened since the start of the semester. Sometimes, we need a little longer to properly process and reflect on certain events. Taking a hike in nature or a long walk through your neighborhood can give you time to contemplate the past. Take this time to mentally plan the next few weeks of school. How have your New Year’s resolutions played out? What can you do to further improve your college experience? What’s missing? What’s too much? These questions are essential to ask yourself to avoid mental and emotional breakdowns later on. 


How long has it been since you’ve had a proper lazy day at home? Homework and social life usually tend to be in the way of mental health. Go to your local coffee shop for breakfast-to-go and enjoy it over that new Netflix show you’ve been dying to start. Sit outside and enjoy the warm sun, read a book or do whatever other lazy day activity you haven’t had time to do at college. Life away from home is fast-paced and FOMO is a weekly occurrence. Mental health is just as important as your physical health and there’s no better place to relax than at home. 


If you’re like me, then you can’t sit still inside for more than a day without feeling bored out of your mind. No matter how small your hometown is, there is no way that you’ve explored all of it. Take this day to become reacquainted with the shops and businesses lining downtown. See what’s new and old, meet new people and have a fun day exploring. An excellent place to start is always the local thrift store — there’s always a good find hiding around the corner. 


The middle of the week is the ideal time to check on any homework you might have for the week after spring break. There’s no reason to stress yourself with schoolwork as soon as you arrive back in your college town. Taking a day in the middle of a relaxing week ensures that you won’t be propelled back into a stressful lifestyle as soon as your mini-vacation is over. 


Everyone needs a nice reward once in a while. Take this day to browse all your favorite stores, whether they’re in your town or online. Spring break marks the start of summer and what better way to celebrate than with a new wardrobe. Going to a nearby town or city to shop will be a nice change of scenery after spending the last five days at home. 


Have you wanted a new hairstyle? A new manicure? Pamper yourself with salon appointments. No one does it better than your hometown and you’ll look new and refreshed when returning to campus. Invite your mom, sister, aunt or grandma to come along with you, making this Friday memorable for you and your family. 


Don’t wait until Sunday to return back to campus. Tasks will always need to be done once you return to your college town and pushing them on Monday will stress you out from the get-go. Leaving your hometown on Saturday ensures that you’ll have plenty of time to transition back into college life.

If you happen to be in your hometown this spring break, don’t fret. Make the most of your time there by spending time with loved ones, practicing self-care and completing some personal housekeeping. This way, you can return to campus feeling refreshed, happy and ready to take on the rest of the semester.

Mara Dumitru

Mizzou '24

Mara Dumitru is a magazine journalism student from San Fransisco, CA. You can find her enjoying an iced coffee and a good book on Mizzou's quad during her free time.