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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mizzou chapter.

We all know how stressful it can be picking classes. Who hasn’t spent hours glued to their computer screen browsing class after class on MyZou? It can be hard to pick the right one. Sometimes we forget that classes can be fun because most of the time we’re forced to take classes that meet our major’s specific requirements. But what about all of those electives? Most majors make students take a certain number of electives, whether in behavioral sciences, social sciences, humanities or even fine arts. With such a wide array of choices, how do you know what to take? MyZou can seem like a bottomless pit of possibilities. Don’t stress, collegiettes!™ Instead take these fun and useful classes into consideration.

History of Western Dress – Textile and Apparel Management 3510
This is a social science, writing intensive course about exactly what it says. For all of you non-TAM girls, this is a great course to try out, get a sense of fashion and learn about the history behind it.

Floral Design I – Plant Science 2220
This eight-week course focuses on creating variations of floral arrangements. It will really let you get creative! Ask your advisor if it meets your biological, mathematical, physical science requirement.

Animal Science Laboratory Practicum – Animal Science 1065
If you like working with animals, then this is the class for you! You get to groom horses, milk cows, and work with baby chicks, bunnies and piglets. It’s part of the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources.

Beginning Ceramics – Art-Ceramics 2100
What better way to relax than by spinning a pottery wheel? It’s a great way to get your hands a little bit dirty. It meets the humanities requirement for general education.


Acting for Non-Majors – Theater 1400
You can have your very own monologue! Because it’s for non-majors, it’s not intimidating, and it’s a great way to open up. You get to watch and critique student plays. Plus you get to perform a dialogue with a partner at the end of the semester. It meets the humanities requirement for general education.

Food Science and Nutrition – Food Science 1030
This class is full of facts you’d love to know about food and nutrition. It meets the biological sciences requirement for general education.

Allison Goldberg is a junior at the University of Missouri double majoring in strategic communication journalism with an emphasis in PR and marketing and psychology. In Columbia, she is a member of Zeta Tau Alpha women's fraternity executive council and is a Rent the Runway campus rep. During her spare time you can find her shopping, spending time with her friends and family, running outside or reading a fashion magazine. Allison has interned at a social media firm, BCV Evolve in Chicago for the past two summers. She hopes to work for a fashion PR firm in Chicago or New York when she graduates and eventually travel to South America.
Vanessa Meuir is senior majoring in magazine journalism and English. She was born in St. Louis, MO and raised in Columbia, MO where she now attends school. In addition to her involvement with Her Campus Mizzou, she works in Mizzou's athletics department and serves as a writing tutor for students on campus. She has gained most of her journalistic experience while writing and blogging for the Columbia Missourian, a local newspaper, and Vox magazine, a student-run campus magazine. She also gained some publishing experience while interning at The Missouri Review, a literary magazine. When Vanessa is not working or in class, she enjoys maintaining a personal blog that comments on reality television, spending time with her five roommates, reading and dabbling in amateur photography. Among her favorite things are diet coke, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, the Disney Channel and fuzzy socks.