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National Days of What?!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mizzou chapter.


Don’t you cheer up a bit when you get a notification from Twitter that it’s National Pancake Day?  I know I do, and not just because I love pancakes! 

Having a holiday to celebrate can put a positive spin on a difficult day.  You may wonder how valid these national days are. Who cares?  If you have an excuse to celebrate pancakes, you need to celebrate pancakes! 


Here are a few national holidays to celebrate this November:


November 3:  Housewife Day

Celebrate the parents and spouses who stay at home and make sure you have a warm and comforting place to come home to every night!


November 6:  Marooned Without a Compass Day


Kick back and relax! Instead of letting things like compass directions control you, take a stroll and enjoy your day. If you’re actually marooned on an island, I applaud you for finding an Internet connection.  Maybe you should focus on finding a boat.


November 8:  Cook Something Bold Day


This is a day to fill up your abode with the delicious smells of a home-cooked meal!  If you don’t want to cook, may I suggest persuading a friend?


November 11: Veteran’s Day


November 12: Chicken Soup for the Soul Day


Does everyone remember reading the Chicken Soup series when they were kids?  This day is meant to give individuals a chance to celebrate their individuality, experiences and future.  Celebrate yourself and your life! 


November 13: Kindness Day

On this day in 1997, a group of individuals made what they called a “Declaration of Kindness.” Now, it’s your turn to declare kindness! Donate books or food.  Hold open the Student Center door for the person behind you.  Compliment a friend on his/her creativity.  Let your roommate choose what to watch on TV tonight.  Express care and kindness to everyone today!


November 17: Take a Hike Day


This does not necessarily mean telling someone to “get lost.”  Take this day as an inspiration to go mountain climbing or to take an invigorating walk on a trail!  Enjoy nature, no matter where you are.


November 19: International Men’s Day


Although at first glance this holiday may seem amusing, this is not a day just about celebrating the existence of men.  It’s about promoting gender equality, stressing positive role models and focusing on male health.  This day also focuses on the discrimination boys and men face, and gives everyone a change to celebrate their contributions to their family, friends, organizations and community. 


November 20: Transgender Day of Remembrance


This holiday is of a serious nature.  On this day, people memorialize those killed due to anti-transgender hatred.  This day was founded in 1998 to memorialize Rita Hester, a trans woman living in Boston.  Police found Hester in her apartment, stabbed in the chest 20 times by an unknown offender.  Local members of the transgender community honored her memory by holding a candlelight vigil and march. Now, transgender communities annually honor transgender murder victims.  This day is recognized globally and is a reminder of the hatred and tragedy in the world.


November 24: Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day

Show off your awesome talents on this self-explanatory day!  Cartwheel down the sidewalk, ride your unicycle on campus, or impress people with your amazing walk-the-dog yo-yo trick!  Show off and stay safe!


November 28: Thanksgiving!!!


Happy holidays to all of our readers here at Mizzou!  We wish you a fantastic November.





