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Love to Loss in 72 Days

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mizzou chapter.

You’ve been thinking about it ever since the news broke a few weeks ago. It’s okay to admit it. Those little words have been eating you away inside. It’s time to face the truth ladies – Kim Kardashian is getting divorced after 72 wondrous (or not so wondrous) days of marriage. Bet you didn’t see that one coming…

Now I shouldn’t be too judgmental considering I only know what I see on TV. I watch Keeping Up With the Kardashians, Kourtney and Kim Take New York and Khole and Lamar religiously. What can I say? They make for good TV! As we’ve all seen, Kim’s life has been videotaped from the start. (We won’t talk about the video
tape that made her famous in the first place.) So why are we annoyed that her wedding was taped? Because if she didn’t tape it, there would have been speculations over why she didn’t want the public to see her. Now, though, it’s come back to haunt her because everyone is annoyed she made such a big deal over it. I agree with both sides on this one. I think that if it wasn’t taped, it would have created just as much of a stir. On the other hand, did it really need to be a two-night, two-hour episode special? No. I guess it let us see what Kris Humphries is really like. By the way, anyone else think it’s weird that Kim’s mom and Kim’s soon-to-be ex are both named Kris? She should have known from the start there was going to be trouble.

Let’s take a minute to talk about Kris Humphries, the other half who created this mess. Who thinks he was 100 percent in the marriage for the love? No one, I hope. You could clearly see from the start it was for the fame and fortune. The wedding did cost $10 million after all. Thank goodness we have Khloe to provide the realistic point of view on that one. One of my best memories of the fabulous couple is the Kardashian family vaycay. Ahh, the tears streaming down Kim’s face after she lost a million dollar diamond earring in the ocean was priceless.
Lesson learned: Don’t wear diamond earrings worth a million bucks when you’re swimming in the ocean. Once I watched that episode and the episodes up until the actual wedding, I could tell Kris was on the fence with the Kardashian clan. He never got along with the other siblings, and he constantly argued with Kim. The time that Kim should have backed out was during her celebration dinner when she stated, “I hate him.” Collegiettes™ , saying that to your man less than 24 hours before you’re going to marry him is always a bad sign. She was obviously having serious reservations.

I honestly do feel sorry for Kim. I personally think she was in it for love, unlike Kris. I’m sure once he knew there was a prenup, he was out. He never seemed to really enjoy being with Kim. I mean they even argued on the Ellen show! How can anyone do anything but laugh while around Ellen? Kris was always there to make fun of and argue with Kim’s siblings. Look who has the last laugh now!

I have been following the updates, and Kim was officially back to her blogging after two long weeks of dealing with her divorce. She was recently photographed leaving Kris’s house, where she apparently discussed the divorce settlement. Yep, they are still getting a divorce. Oh, and I can’t forget to fill you in on what she’s doing with her millions of dollars worth of gifts: She says she will donate several of the items to the Dream Foundation, which helps make dreams come true for terminally ill adults. As for the ring, I have heard she is keeping it for sentimental reasons. Hopefully this story will die down already, so we can start a new season of Kourtney and Kim Take New York. What’s done is done. Now back to Reggie Bush!

If you have to take one thing from this article, it’s to laugh. Why are we so involved with what Kim Kardashian’s choices are? If she wants to marry, she can marry. If she wants a divorce, let her get a divorce. Only she knows the real story, and it is sad that so many people spend their time judging her. (But really, laugh at this SNL skit. It was perfect.)

Vanessa Meuir is senior majoring in magazine journalism and English. She was born in St. Louis, MO and raised in Columbia, MO where she now attends school. In addition to her involvement with Her Campus Mizzou, she works in Mizzou's athletics department and serves as a writing tutor for students on campus. She has gained most of her journalistic experience while writing and blogging for the Columbia Missourian, a local newspaper, and Vox magazine, a student-run campus magazine. She also gained some publishing experience while interning at The Missouri Review, a literary magazine. When Vanessa is not working or in class, she enjoys maintaining a personal blog that comments on reality television, spending time with her five roommates, reading and dabbling in amateur photography. Among her favorite things are diet coke, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, the Disney Channel and fuzzy socks.