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Kailee Richey Gets Down for a Good Cause: Dance Marathon!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mizzou chapter.

Over the past few months, you might have seen  Dance Marathon fliers around campus but not known exactly what it’s all about. Dance Marathon is an event on campus in which participants dance for 12 hours to raise money for pediatric cancer research. Meet Kailee Richey, the Dance Marathon executive director who has been the backbone of this event. This self-proclaimed “small town girl at heart” from Shelbina, Mo., has been working hard all year with the tri-directors and the steering committee to make this year’s Dance Marathon the most successful one yet. So far, the event has raised over $32,000 for research. Her Campus Mizzou sat down with Kailee to find out how she got involved with the cause and to get the details about this year’s success so far.

Her Campus Mizzou: How did you find out about Dance Marathon?
Kailee Richey:
I was in the Chancellor’s leadership class my freshman year. It is more of an experience rather than a class, but that is how I met a lot of my friends. Basically, someone in the class the year before who was a tri-director came in and asked people to be what’s called a “moraler.” Since people are standing on their feet so long, the moralers are basically the ones who keep everyone pumped up the entire time and just keep the morale of the event going and make sure everyone is doing OK. I also just really liked the cause; raising money for kids with pediatric cancer is a really good cause. I did some research, and I found out how little funding they get in comparison. A lot of people think that because it is such a good cause, there would be a lot of money going to it. A lot of other kinds of cancers, which are just as important, get a lot more funding, but I thought that pediatric cancer was cool. I really like kids because of my major, so it worked out.

I applied to be on the steering committee last year, and I was on the catering committee. I saw a lot of things that I thought I could personally change or make better, so I applied to be the executive director. Basically, I oversee the tri-directors who oversee the steering committee.

HCM: What specific things have you changed from last year?
We have just marketed ourselves a lot better, and we have gotten the word out there. We changed the date from fall semester to spring semester. That was something we struggled with because we know we are competing with RAMS and Relay for Life in the spring, but at the same time, homecoming is such a big deal at Mizzou that a lot of people were burnt out by the time Dance Marathon came around. We also weren’t really having enough time for people to fund-raise as much money as they are capable of, so we did change the date.

We also upped the fundraising requirement. You’re not required to raise $100 to attend, but we really encourage and want people to fund-raise. A lot of people who signed up last minute won’t be able to reach that goal, but we are still welcoming them to the event.

HCM: How many teams have signed up?
I don’t know a team number, but I do know that right now we have 515 participants. Last year, we only had 295, so it’s a big change.

HCM: Congratulations! What’s your favorite part of Dance Marathon?
I am just a huge dancer, but I think it is such a good cause and so fun. It’s something that is new on campus so everyone that goes says, ‘Why did I not know about this before? It’s such a great event.’ The fact that it is a fun thing to do and you are also helping people at the same time is something that is really appealing to college students. The families also come and talk, so you are getting direct correspondence with the people you are helping. For other things, you might raise money for research for cancer, but you really don’t know where that money is going. With Dance Marathon, you see who this money affects, and you get to hear their stories. MU Children’s Hospital specifically is nonprofit, so if a family can’t pay, they will provide services for free or a huge discount. It is really great to see these people who you are helping out.

HCM: You mentioned that you’re a big dancer yourself. What’s you favorite song to dance to?
My favorite song to dance to would be “Tik Tok” by Ke$ha or any song by Ke$ha for that matter. My friends and I are obsessed with her because she is totally everything I am not. She is a just a big partier, so I think that [alter ego] is something fun to live vicariously through.

HCM: Any closing comments to add about Dance Marathon?
Stop by on Saturday! It is from noon to midnight, and it is just a $1 minimum donation to get in. Stop by if you are interested to see what Dance Marathon is all about, so you can see if you want to participate next year.

Don’t forget to stop by the Rec Center this Saturday to check out the event for yourself!

Kelsey Mirando is a senior at the University of Missouri, class of 2011, studying Magazine Journalism, English and Sociology. Born and raised in Tulsa, Okla., Kelsey enjoys travel, volunteerism and any Leonardo DiCaprio movie. She is a member of Kappa Alpha Theta women's fraternity and has served as President of the Society of Professional Journalists, MU chapter. She has reported among the Tiger fans of Columbia, Mo., the hustle and bustle of Beijing and the bright lights of New York City. Kelsey recently completed the American Society of Magazine Editors (ASME) summer internship program and is now soaking up every moment of her senior year at Mizzou.