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If You’ve Been Looking for a Sign, This is it: Change Your Major

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mizzou chapter.

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably been tempted to change your major. There can be a lot of stress associated with thinking about changing your major. As someone who changed my major three times in the course of a year (in addition to transferring schools), I’m here to talk you through it.

Common Reasons Why You Should Change Your Major

overhead view of a woman sitting in front of her laptop
Photo by energepic.com from Pexels

You’re Not Doing Your Major for Yourself

Many people I know are studying their major in order to please their loved ones. If you are only doing your major for your family, you might want to reconsider your academic plans. You will be at an increased risk of burning out during your studies because you don’t truly enjoy what you are learning about. Additionally, your course of study may lead you to a particular field of work. If you don’t think you’ll be happy in any of the career fields your current major may direct you to, it’s also a sign that this major probably isn’t for you.

You’re Unhappy

This one is pretty clear: if you wake up every day dreading your classes, it is certainly a sign.

You Don’t Like Your Major

A follow-up to the previous reason: don’t sacrifice your mental and physical health for coursework you don’t enjoy. Most of the time, but not always, taking a strong disliking of your major indicates you will not like what you will be doing as a career either.

The Major Feels Too Hard (or Too Easy)

Every major has some hard classes and some easy classes. If the coursework seems too easy for you and you’re looking for something more invigorating, you might want to consider changing your major. Now, things become a bit more complicated as we talk about “hard” classes. College is hard. It’s something that’s been talked about for quite some time. If you struggle in only some of your classes, you’ll probably be okay staying in your current major. If you struggle in all of your classes, you might want to consider changing your major. It honestly depends on how dedicated you are to your current major and how you’re performing in classes. It is okay to admit when something is hard, and you shouldn’t be ashamed about changing your major just because the coursework is too much for you. I’ve been there, and so have so many others.

Things to Be Aware of Before Changing Your Major

group of fresh graduates students throwing their academic hat in the air
Vasily Koloda/Unsplash

You Need to Do Some Soul Searching

You need to be sure about changing your major before you do so. If you can’t envision yourself doing anything with a degree in the major you’re thinking about switching to, it’s probably not the major for you either. Think about what you’re passionate about. Look towards your hobbies and even your childhood dreams for inspiration.

You Might Not Graduate on Time

Depending on where you are in your academic career, you might not be able to graduate on time. It’s not impossible to graduate on time, especially if you’ve already taken graduation requirements. Interim session classes are your friend when you change your major.

Your Current School Might Not Have the Program You Want

The first time I changed my major, I felt confined by the limited number of options at my school. This led me to switch between two different majors before I realized I was still unhappy. I ended up having to transfer just to study what I wanted. It was a tough decision, and it wasn’t ideal. However, you need to make the most of your education, and it is extremely important that you study what you want to study.

You’re Going to Have Doubts After You Change Majors

Uncertainty is a part of the human condition. Changing your major is a big decision, so of course, you’re going to worry if you made the right choice by switching. I am extremely happy with my major, but I still get caught up in the what-ifs? every now and then. Having doubts doesn’t mean you made the wrong decision, but they can be scary. Be sure to remind yourself of why you switched to your new program.

Final Thoughts

Anna Schultz-Girl With Notebooks And Backpack
Anna Schultz / Her Campus

If you’re still unsure about changing your major, I want to ask you the following question: are you happy doing what you’re doing? If you answered no, I want you to think about why you feel that way. Is it just a stressful time in your life, or is being in an unenjoyable major the source of your unhappiness? Asking yourself questions like these may help lead you to a decision, but don’t expect your mind to be made up immediately. Don’t feel pressured into making such a big decision so suddenly. However, if you’re still extremely unsure about what to do, do not be afraid to reach out to someone for help or advice. Finally, remember that it is your choice to change your major, and you should not let anyone tell you what to do you with your life. You are in control, even when it feels like you’re not.


Hi! I'm Olivia, and I'm a sophomore at Mizzou studying Atmospheric Science. I spend my free time listening to music (Glass Animals are my favorite), watching documentaries, looking at the sky, and playing Pokemon Go, Fortnite, and The Sims!
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