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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mizzou chapter.

The easiest way to make sure the upcoming semester goes your way is by starting now to create habits that will help you be successful. Getting organized and figuring out what needs to be done for your classes ahead of time will help make sure you are able to dive into your classes once the semester starts. Here are my top five tips to start off the semester right. 

Use a planner

The first crucial part of this tip is figuring out what you will use your planner for. Personally, I use a planner for everything: school, working out, hanging out with friends, club meetings and volunteering. Once you decide what exactly you want to use your planner for, the next part is finding the right planner. There are tons of different kinds of planners. I use The Happy Planner brand. Other brands I recommend are the Erin Condren planners, JSTORY personal planners and Ponderlily weekly planners. Then, all that’s left for you is to fill your planner in. It is important to make sure to be staying up-to-date on your assignments and meetings for school and keeping a planner is a good reinforcement to make sure that happens.  

Start out taking notes

This tip probably sounds very obvious, but it can be so easy to fall behind on notes for class. To ensure this doesn’t happen, be diligent about taking good notes at the beginning of the semester. By doing this, you will create a good habit for yourself and will hopefully continue taking thorough notes the rest of the school year. 

Introduce yourself to your professor

Right at the beginning of the semester, it is important to build a good relationship with your professor and TA. I recommend introducing yourself after the first or second class by saying your name, your grade and what you are excited to learn about in class. It is always good for you to be able to help your professor and TA put a name with a face. That way, when you send emails or need help in the class they will have already met you and will hopefully make the process a lot smoother. 

Meet people in your classes

Make a point to introduce yourself to the people that sit around you in class. Create small talk and get their phone numbers. By doing this, you will have someone to reach out to for help with assignments or questions about due dates. Creating a relationship with your peers will be very helpful early on for the rest of the semester. 

Make sure to have assigned books

This tip can be extremely easy to forget. Check with your classes and the bookstore – most have an option to order your books and pick them up directly from the bookstore. Having the assigned books for the first week of class is essential to ensure you do not fall behind on homework.

My name is Julia Canellis. I am a journalism major at the University of Missouri with hopes of attending law school. I am from Chicago, Illinois and I love playing tennis and listening to podcasts in my free time. Email: Juliacanellis10@gmail.com