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How do I stay healthy until after finals?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mizzou chapter.


It’s the final stretch of school and everyone’s trying to balance enjoying the last few weeks with studying for finals. Although it’s the end of cold and flu season, sickness is still possible. Since no one wants to spend the last of their free time of the semester laying in bed here as some meds to keep that cold from interfering with your life.



When you feel the first symptoms of a sickness, pick up Emergen-C. Emergen-C is a powder you mix with water and is filled with immune system supporting vitamins. With a stronger immune system, your body will be able to stop your sickness before it even begins.


Nasal Spray

Saline Nasal Sprays are something I personally swear by. It’s basically a salt-water spray that’s over the counter and clears up sinuses. It sounds gross but will help with the congestion, which will make life a lot easier.

Aleve Cold and Sinus

Aleve Cold and Sinus works wonders.  It lasts for 12 hours and helps relieve and array of symptoms. It’s non-drowsy so you’ll still be able to successfully continue on with your day.


Nyquil is best at suppressing symptoms and knocking you out. Seriously if you have anything to do make sure to do it before you take your Nyquil. It’ll give you a solid nights sleep but won’t necessarily cure your sickness.


Take all these in conjunction with Netflix and some Panera chicken noodle soup and you’ll be cured in no time.

Have a favorite medicine that works for you? Post in our comments below!


Photo Credits:

https://twitter.com/emergenc – http://www.walmart.com/ip/Aleve-D-Sinus-Cold-Caplets-Multi-Symptom-Relief/14574727 – http://www.vicks.com/products/…

Brooke Hofer is a senior at the University of Missouri. She is majoring in Strategic Communications through the School of Journalism while also pursuing minors in Classics, Psychology and a general Honors degree. In addition to writing for Her Campus, Brooke is an active member of Kappa Delta Sorority (Epsilon Iota chapter), Vice President of Sigma Alpha Pi, and she is a barista in the Columbia, Missouri area. Brooke loves working out, writing short stories, reading old books, and spending time with her family and friends in Kansas City. She hopes to eventually travel the world while working in the advertising or public relations industry.