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HCM’s Yoga Night

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mizzou chapter.

Check out these awesome shots of our free pre-finals yoga night at the Women’s Center!  

Krista Pulley breathes deeply, while instructor Laura McAndrews guides the class.


Staffers pose in downward dog during the yoga class.


Members of Her Campus Mizzou enjoy a free yoga class at the Women’s Center on May 1.


Samantha Hubbard strikes a pose during the yoga class.


Her Campus Mizzou members raise their right leg to a pose.


Laura McAndrews explain the women tend to hold a lot of stress in their hips as she demonstrates a hip-stretching exercise.


A fun, stress-free night was had by all!

Brooke Hofer is a senior at the University of Missouri. She is majoring in Strategic Communications through the School of Journalism while also pursuing minors in Classics, Psychology and a general Honors degree. In addition to writing for Her Campus, Brooke is an active member of Kappa Delta Sorority (Epsilon Iota chapter), Vice President of Sigma Alpha Pi, and she is a barista in the Columbia, Missouri area. Brooke loves working out, writing short stories, reading old books, and spending time with her family and friends in Kansas City. She hopes to eventually travel the world while working in the advertising or public relations industry.