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Get To Know The New Faces Of MSA

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mizzou chapter.

Payton Head and Brenda Smith-Lezama have become familiar names to students on campus. From coffee shops downtown to the union, their faces were plastered all over Columbia during the MSA presidential elections. Now elected into office, the Chicagoan and Georgian are ready to take Mizzou by storm with their four campaign pillars and ambitions for the future. Get ready to Ignite Mizzou for the newest head-Tigers on the block. 

Payton Head is the new MSA president from Chicago. He is a political science and international studies major with a passion for involvement. He has served Mizzou as a tour guide, summer welcome leader, MSA representative in Washington D.C. and more. 

Brenda Smith-Lezama is a native of Brunswick, Georgia, and has multiple titles under her belt. From Miss Missouri Teen USA to motivational speaker, Smith-Lezama can now add MSA vice president to her stack of volunteer and involvement positions.

Head and Smith-Lezama’s campaign is based off of four pillars: pride, progress, truth and vision. These four pillars represent what the two executives believe are essential to the future of Mizzou. Here is a run-down of everything you need to know from their campaign.


Head and Smith-Lezama are strong advocates of igniting the passion for Mizzou activities. Their pride platform explores the inclusiveness of homecoming to attract all students and creating a way for international students to come to home games. For the new president and VP, the pride of Mizzou has the ability to continue to grow and expand.


Working closely with campus safety programs and academic and legislative affairs at the local, school-wide and national levels give the campaign huge goals for the future. The progress pillar is all about making sure the Tigers of tomorrow have an even better experience in the years to come.  


According to Head and Smith-Lezama’s Ignite Mizzou campaign website, “MSA belongs to the students.” For the truth category of their platform, the newly elected pair aims to bring transparency to the budget, student communication and cabinet meetings. 


The vision of Chancellor Loftin for excellence at the 175th anniversary of the university is strongly reflected in this pillar. Head and Smith-Lezama are aspiring to advocate campus-wide inclusivity and equity in all aspects from resource centers to the LBGTQ community to promote One Mizzou.

Head and Smith-Lezama had “A Campaign To Believe In.” After their successful election into MSA office, their four pillars will guide them in sticking to what they believe is best for the student body and the Mizzou community. Congratulations to Payton Head and Brenda Smith-Lezama on your win — go ignite Mizzou!

Sarah Kloepple is a junior journalism student at Mizzou. She embraces her addiction to good television and the fact that she knows way too much movie trivia. Originally from St. Louis, Sarah loves spending time with family and friends and stopping frequently at any good frozen custard place (preferably Ted Drewe's). When she's not with her oldest friend Netflix, you can find her typing furiously on her computer somewhere or reading a good book outside. Follow her on Twitter: @skloep.