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Cheap And Awesome Valentine’s Day Dates

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mizzou chapter.
Roses are red. Violets are blue. Valentine’s Day is coming up, and Her Campus Mizzou has a treat for you! That’s right collegiettes, Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. If you’re still trying to figure out what to do with your special someone, then we have some fun and cheap date ideas for you.

We know that the dinner-and-a-movie date gets pretty old. We also know that Valentine’s Day isn’t any date; it’s the date. Take a chance this holiday to spice things up and surprise your valentine with these unique date ideas.

Have an indoor picnic.

We know how unpredictable Missouri weather is, so there’s no guarantee you two lovebirds will have perfect weather on Valentine’s Day. Instead of a normal outdoor picnic, pick up all the books, shoes and clothes off your dorm-room floor and put down a blanket. Make you and your valentine some sandwiches and buy his favorite drink and dessert. All you need is mood lighting, and you’re set for a romantic evening at home. Unfortunately, there will be no candlelight dining because Residential Life prohibits candles. But for a cheap and trendy alternative, Target has red, pink and purple heart lights for only $2.50 a piece. They will give you the romantic feel without getting you in trouble with your RAs. To surprise your date even more, make an iTunes playlist with a bunch of songs that remind you of him. He’ll appreciate the time and effort you put into the date. Plus it’s something you both can enjoy. Finish off the date with a slow dance or two and lots of snuggling.

Go on a penny walk/drive.
For those of you who have never heard of a penny walk, all you need is a penny. Who would have guessed, right? Take your valentine out for a drive or go on a walk if you don’t have a car. When you get to a fork in the road, a stop sign or a stoplight, flip the penny. If it lands on heads, turn left, and if it lands on tails, turn right. Stop along the way to take pictures and check out where that little penny takes you. This would be great to do downtown, and you can stop in the shops. You could also go to the Katy Trail if the weather is nice and explore the winding paths. The penny walk is great because it allows you and your date to talk and be goofy but hold hands and be romantic at the same time. At the end of the day, put all the pictures you take on your adventure in a scrapbook, so you both can remember your Valentine’s Day adventure.

Do a scavenger hunt.
X marks the spot! Keep your valentine guessing all day by sending him on a little scavenger hunt. Deliver clue number one to his door early in the morning. Send him on a treasure hunt throughout the day. Have each clue lead to the next destination until he gets to the treasure – that’s you! Along the way leave some goodies, like his favorite candy, a Mizzou teddy bear or a mixed CD with all of his favorite songs. Get creative with the clues by making them rhyme and making the destinations places you’ve been together or famous spots around campus. Wondering where your final destination should be? Try waiting at a new restaurant or coffee shop until he figures out all the clues. When he gets there, surprise him with dinner or a grande mocha-something with his name on it. Sure it’s a lot of planning, but your date will be so excited to see you by the end of the scavenger hunt that he’ll practically sweep you off your feet!

Get your hands dirty.

We don’t mean go dig in the mud or anything but instead head over to the Mud Room here in Columbia. Express your imaginative side by making your own pottery with your valentine. Prices range from $1 to $50, so you can pick something that fits into your budget. This is great for couples who haven’t been dating very long because they won’t have to worry about all the lovey-dovey awkwardness Valentine’s Day can often bring about. It will give you and your date time to get to know each other better, and it offers some prime flirting opportunities. After you complete your works of art, finish off the date with some Buck’s Ice Cream Place on campus or a movie back in your dorm room.

We hope these date ideas will get your creative juices flowing and help you save a little green when planning your Valentine’s Day extravaganza. No matter what you decide to do on February 14, make sure it’s with someone who’s truly special. Happy Valentine’s Day, collegiettes!

Her Campus Mizzou

Lindsay Roseman is a senior at the University of Missouri, studying magazine journalism and Spanish. In Columbia, she is a member of Kappa Alpha Theta women's fraternity, Mizzou For Malawi Steering Committee, and can be spotted on campus touring potential Journalism School-ers. This Chicago native loves a good Jodi Picoult book, trying new foods, traveling, and hitting the pavement for a run. After reporting for the school newspaper and interning in her hometown, she spent the summer in NYC at Women's Health Magazine and now is so excited for a great year with HC Mizzou!