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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mizzou chapter.

It’s that time of year again. As we say a temporary goodbye to our college campus and prepare to head home for the holiday season, many feelings can be expected to arise. For me, a college sophomore residing about 6 hours away from my college, the month-long break can be summed up by one word: bittersweet.

While I’m filled with excitement to see my family and friends and lounge at home, there is something comforting about the routined life I’ve created here that I have to abruptly step away from for a decent period of time. I’ve done it once, and I am ready to do it again. Here are some ways to add some routine back into your long break; let’s make it special and memorable!

Try some new winter recipes

One thing that most college students can agree on is that cooking in your college apartment is not the same as cooking in the comfort of your childhood home. Whether you live on your own, in a dorm or in a greek life residency, convenience takes the reins when it comes to meal choices. With all this free time, browsing pinterest and TikTok for some unique recipes is a great way to pass time and explore your culinary creativity!

Go ice skating

Now this is certainly an activity that would be difficult to accomplish on a college campus. Yet, most hometown or suburban areas have facilities or parks for people to ice skate; channel your holiday spirit by renting a pair of skates and spending some quality time with your friends and family!

Set goals for yourself for the following year

For those who struggle being away from the structure of school, this is a great way to look forward to the academic year ahead. Grab a piece of paper and some vibrant pens and draft a set of resolutions tailored to your academic, personal and career focused aspirations. Make it fun by adding creative decorations and being specific about your goals; that way, it can be an addition to your wall decor when you’re back on campus!

Redecorate your childhood bedroom

Personally, my bedroom walls at home lack the liveliness and personality that my room at school has. With a majority of our time spent away at school, our bedrooms at home could definitely use some love. Use this time to thrift some new decor, browse Pinterest for some aesthetically pleasing room inspiration, or print out pictures of you and your friends to frame! Find ways to feel comfortable in your room once again over the course of the break. 

Relax. That’s it. 

I know this is easier for some than it is others, but as students, we are constantly on the go. Whether it’s academics, extracurriculars, social activities, greek life, etc., finding time to take a step back and breathe is more important than ever. Find a TV show you’ve been meaning to start, sleep in, go to bed early, listen to new music, whatever it may be that allows you to feel a sense of comfort over your break, embrace that. Allow yourself to be “lazy,” I’m sure you don’t get that time enough during the year!

As winter break unfolds, it’s natural for a college student to harbor a mix of excitement and nervousness. Embrace the chance to rejuvenate, explore new hobbies, and connect with loved ones. Whether it’s trying out new recipes, engaging in winter sports, or setting personalized resolutions, this break is a canvas for self-discovery. As the semester draws near, remember that winter break is not just a pause but a stepping stone toward a more resilient and confident version of yourself. So, venture forth into the unknown, with nerves turning into excitement, and make this break a chapter of warmth and personal growth in your college journey.

My name is Molly! I am a sophomore at Mizzou studying strategic communications. With a passion for writing, I am excited to be able to express my interests through this creative outlet. I love music, thrifting, going for walks, and spending time with friends. I joined Her Campus to be able to write about topics that fuel my interests!