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5 Accessories Collegiettes Can’t Live Without

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mizzou chapter.


Ever think to yourself: “I really wish I had..” or “I really need..” and then completely forget what you wanted the second you’re at the store? You aren’t alone. If you are struggling with your shopping list, here are 5 things every girl should own, and 5 things a girl needs on her at all times. These will be your life saver, the things you swear by, and something all your friends will compliment. 


1.  Phone Case with Cardholder

Honestly, every Mizzou student needs this because losing those ID cards is just too easy. If you are as attached to your phone as I am, having a case that acts like a wallet just streamlines all your needs.  Speck makes a really great case that can hold cards, cash, even tickets. And they come in lots of pretty colors. The only problem with this is if someone steals your phone, it’s as bad as having someone steal your wallet. But we all needed an excuse to be more glued to our phone anyways.



2.  Statement necklace

The best way to disguise something you’ve worn a thousand times is to switch up the jewelry. Statement necklaces are great because they can change an entire outfit, and boost even the most basic attire into something fashionable. If you are running low on time, these necklaces are an easy way to make you look stylish, even if you’re just wearing a white blouse and jeans. Urban Peach Boutique has an extensive collection of necklaces that are adorable and reasonable priced. However, you can find a statement necklace in almost any store at this point. Find one that fits your style and voila! A whole new outfit is born.


3.  Baseball Cap

If you wake up late, but you don’t want to look shambly on your way to class, a baseball cap can save the day. If you didn’t do your hair or it’s greasy, no problem! Hats cover that up and make you look cute and sporty. I can’t promise you’ll look as good as the girl in the photo, but at least maybe you don’t look like you just rolled out of bed. And let’s face it: if you see the man of your dreams in class today, you want him to know you’re a Cardinals fan.

4.  Gloves that work with touch screens

These are actually the best things ever. Nothing sucks more than taking you gloves on and off every 5 minutes just to answer a text. Or even worse, going gloveless and not being able to feel you fingers. Store are now making gloves with fingertips that are made of heat conducting material, making the touch screen receptive to your glove-covered fingers. There are lots of options out there. If you want something fashionable, Echo (echodesign.com) has some adorable candy-colored gloves that work really well. These are fairly expensive however, so if you are just looking for the technology, there are really cheap ones at Target. (I bought a pair of gray ones for $3.)



5.  Pearl earrings

Every girl at one point or another is going to have to make a good impression for an interview, a presentation, even just a meeting with your professor. Pearls earrings are such a simple way to make you look sophisticated and put together regardless of your actual state of affairs. They are impressive, because they are supposedly one of a kind. Real or fake, big or small, it doesn’t matter. If you are looking to make a great impression, pearls should be your go-to. Doesn’t Angelina look fabulous? You will too.


Photo Credits:

Pearlhours.com – gigaom.com – amazon.com – forums.macusers.com – visionarybride.com 

Freshman J-school student at University of Missouri. Originally from Atlanta, Georgia and a southern girl at heart.
Brooke Hofer is a senior at the University of Missouri. She is majoring in Strategic Communications through the School of Journalism while also pursuing minors in Classics, Psychology and a general Honors degree. In addition to writing for Her Campus, Brooke is an active member of Kappa Delta Sorority (Epsilon Iota chapter), Vice President of Sigma Alpha Pi, and she is a barista in the Columbia, Missouri area. Brooke loves working out, writing short stories, reading old books, and spending time with her family and friends in Kansas City. She hopes to eventually travel the world while working in the advertising or public relations industry.