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10 Twitter Handles You Should Be Following

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mizzou chapter.


In the Twitter world we think we’re a big deal because we follow celebrities which means we have ability to know what they’re doing all the time. There are some celebs that I could care less about, like, “omg Kim Kardashian has swollen feet because she’s pregnant!” Cool. That’s why I’ve compiled a list of must-follow twitter accounts so you don’t have to deal with your twitter feed being filled with idiot celebrities tweeting stupid things.


1. @YourAwayMessage

If you aren’t following this account, do it right now. Remember the days of Instant Messaging? Well this will bring you back. These tweets consist of tween girls lamenting about their lives in middle school, and we’ve all been there. If you cant find a single tweet that you haven’t posted as your own away message… I just wont even know what to say to you. Because you have. Don’t lie. 


2. @ThoughtCatalog

Ever want to just read other people’s word vomit? Thought Catalog is a website that anyone can post to about anything they want. Some of it is totally relatable and you’ll laugh and be like “ha ha that’s me and my life.” And then some of its totally not and you’ll be like “…what is wrong with this person, what did I just read??” Really fun stuff. 



3. @EmojiStory

Who wouldn’t want to be scrolling through their twitter feed and then see glorious stories made with emojis instead of letters? It’s like a rainbow in a world of black and white. 



4. @BetchesLuvThis

The Betches. If you haven’t checked out their website, you need to reevaluate your life choices. Their twitter is a direct link to their awesomely hilarious articles.


5. @PrincessProbs

Definitely a guilty pleasure twitter follow. She tweets the things us girls are just too polite to say, but we all think it. It should be a form of therapy.  


6. @ScottDisick

Oh Lord Disick, he will “keek” the funniest videos of himself, his friends, and his family. He doesn’t care! Lord Disick does what he wants no matter which Kardashian he embarrasses. 


7. @WTFchildhood

Either there were so many hidden innuendos during our childhood or things have just changed for the worst. This twitter account will keep you up to speed. 


8. @CuteEmergency

You were late to class and you failed your final, you log on to twitter and…PUPPIES. 



9. @WomensWearDaily

These people know fashion, not just the who’s wearing what but the who’s who in the fashion world. Keep up to date on what’s happening on the inside.



10. @NewsOutletOofYourChoice

Alright ladies the last twitter handle you should follow is a news outlet! Pick your favorite reap that knowledge. It is important to know what’s happening around you and around the world. 


Are there any twitter handles you love that we missed?  Let us know in the comment box below!

Brooke Hofer is a senior at the University of Missouri. She is majoring in Strategic Communications through the School of Journalism while also pursuing minors in Classics, Psychology and a general Honors degree. In addition to writing for Her Campus, Brooke is an active member of Kappa Delta Sorority (Epsilon Iota chapter), Vice President of Sigma Alpha Pi, and she is a barista in the Columbia, Missouri area. Brooke loves working out, writing short stories, reading old books, and spending time with her family and friends in Kansas City. She hopes to eventually travel the world while working in the advertising or public relations industry.