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10 Tips to Combating Your Period

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mizzou chapter.

Being a college-age woman, the humiliation of having your period has long since passed. Our entrance into this era has eliminated most of the (growing) pains of menstruation: we’ve painted the big M on Faurot and erased the “Big M” in the stigma of conversation among our peers. Tampons are being handed off like track batons, pads passed like footballs–but hopefully caught better than Drew Lock’s passes.

(An actual pic of me after every game this season.)

However, there still remains the monthly hoop of fire through which to pass. Personally, my period is the Monday of my week, the stir-fry line of my Plaza, the campus construction RIGHT in the MIDDLE of my BEAUTIFUL LOWRY MALL. It needs to happen, but it’s really inconvenient.

I’ve learned that the best thing to do with something you can’t control is trying to find the positives. Being on your period is a great time to focus on your self-care. Here are a few ways to begin:

1. Arm yourself! If you’re someone who is constantly worried about a potential accident, (Hey! Hi! Same, girl, I see you!) don’t take any risks. Wear those black shorts or jeans or leggings, pack those eight extra tampons–do whatever makes you feel the most prepared.

2. …and since you have those 26 tampons in a secret pocket of your backpack, give others ammunition if they need it!

It’s true: helping other people makes you feel better. Always.

3. Fight those cramps

Don’t let Mother Nature ~cramp~ your style. Heating pads are a consistent helper for me, but do what works best for you. Also, a pain-relieving med is SO worth the investment: Ibuprofen for less intense pain and Midol for that hardcore, middle-of-the-week pain. (Make sure and read the labels of each medication super carefully so as not to overdose!)

Especially if your pain is intense, chill out for a while. I like curling up with my knees to my chest and reading a good book or watching a little Netflix.

4. Don’t be afraid to catch z’s

Rest is essential, regardless of whether you are on your period. Listen to your body and shoot for at least eight hours of sleep a night. Find that sweet spot for your brain and body to recharge, but be careful; too much sleep can make some people even more drowsy!

5. Iron woman

Although you’re not losing Red-Cross amounts of blood, (shoutout to the homecoming blood drive!) you should still be consuming plenty of iron to replace what’s being lost. Here’s a pretty helpful link for iron-rich foods: http://www.redcrossblood.org/learn-about-blood/health-and-wellness/iron-rich-foods.html

…but my favorite way to get iron is making a spinach salad with balsamic vinegar, olive oil, goat cheese, almonds, chicken, and some type of berry. I’ll give my mom credit for that one.


Do with that what you will.

6. (Melted) Ice, Ice Baby

Yeah, I’m the worst. Drink *water. Your doctor says it, your parents say it, your friends say it. But it makes a huge difference. So do it.

*Another effective liquid: tea! I’m not a tea person, but lemon tea always soothes me while I’m on my period.

7. Work, work, work it out

If musical numbers in kitchens aren’t your style, hit up that beautiful Rec Center or Stankowski field. Or whatever gym you go to. Again, listen to your body and get the ~blood flowing~ SORRY … because it will help with cramps AND your overall health! Pop in some tunes or a podcast and move around!

8. Check out Period.

A student group on Mizzou’s campus, Period is working to provide feminine hygiene products to those who do not have easy access and end the stigma surrounding our womanly bodily processes. They’re a fairly new organization, as they were founded just last year.

Follow @periodatmizzou on Instagram!

9. Be clean, inside and out.

Important! A hot shower makes you feel good AND it cleans you off! Also, eating clean will make you feel tons better. You don’t have to go vegan by any means, but make good choices and give your body what it needs! Give the organs what they want!

10. Tune in.

The last but probably the most pivotal point I’ll make: take this time to really listen to your body and understand what is best for your mental, physical, and emotional health. Finding your rhythm and maximizing your wellness can begin with your least favorite week of the month, and maybe your habits that week could begin to ~bleed~ into your regular routine.

Hi :) My name is Lizzy Joslyn, and I'm a sophomore studying journalism at Mizzou.