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Internship Search 101

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Minnesota chapter.

Having an internship is a crucial part of the college experience. In fact, it can be a deciding factor when you are applying for that first full-time job after graduation. The search for the perfect internship can be daunting but being well prepared and starting early can help to relieve some of the stress.
Here are some tips for how to find the right internship for you.
Before you begin your internship search there are a few questions you have to ask yourself:

1. What am I really interested in? Make sure you tailor your search to include jobs that truly interest you. Applying for a position for which you have no passion is a waste of time and will most likely not result in a job offer.

2. Am I willing to work unpaid? The unfortunate reality of internships is that many opportunities are unpaid. Don’t discount a position just because it isn’t paid, the experience you gain can often be even more meaningful. However, know beforehand if you have the financial support to sustain an unpaid internship. If not then don’t waste your time applying to those positions.

3. What do you want to get out of the internship? Are there are specific skills that you hope to gain from an internship? Is there a certain industry you would like to become more familiar in? Understanding what you hope to gain from the experience will help you determine what positions you are truly passionate about.
Now, where to start the search:
-University job boards. Here at the University of Minnesota we are fortunate to have an active job board that can serve as a great resource for students starting their internship search. If you haven’t already, log onto GoldPASS and create an account for yourself. Not only will you be able to view postings direct from employers you can also subscribe to updates on positions that fit your job search.

-Check Professional Association Websites. Almost every industry has a number of professional -associations. Find the website of your local chapter and check it regularly for postings.

-Become involved with a student group that pertains to your major or future career. These can be an excellent way to make connections with the professional community that may lead to an internship or job opportunity down the road.

-Use LinkedIn to your advantage. Create a profile on LinkedIn! Link to it in your email signature! LinkedIn is a growing resource for jobs postings and a great way to network with professionals in your industry. Start by following companies you are interested in and join groups that are related to your industry. Both of these are great ways to monitor job postings.

-Be social! Use Twitter to your advantage. Follow companies and professionals within the industry you hope to work in. They will often tweet opportunities as soon as the position becomes available. Twitter can also be a great way to establish an initial connection with a company you are interested in.

-Industry blogs. Find blogs relating specifically to the industry you are hoping to work in. Often these blogs are great resources for insider tips and specialized job postings. If you’re interested in communications internships the MNPR Blog run by Ryan May is a great resource.

Edwina is entering her senior year at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities where she is majoring in Public Relations. This past summer she worked as an orientation leader for Orientation & First Year Programs and was the marketing intern at Mill City Farmers Market. She loves chai tea, the Chicago Bears, country music, and exploring Minneapolis! For more info check out http://about.me/edwinareckel and you can follow her on twitter @ersreck!