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The Buried Life Visits the U

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Minnesota chapter.
What Do You Want to Do Before You Die?
“This life of mine. Got a lot to do before I live it up.” These words are the opening
lyrics to the MTV reality documentary, “The Buried Life.” The series follows the
adventures of four friends attempting to complete a list of the 100 things to do
before they die. The stars of the show, Duncan, Jonnie, Ben, and Dave, spoke to
University of Minnesota students on Oct. 22.
The idea for the ‘Buried Life’ formed in 2006 after the four friends realized they
were not accomplishing everything in life they wanted. They came together and
formed a pact: for every item they cross off their list, they help a stranger achieve
one dream. These tasks have ranged from asking Taylor Swift out on a date
to helping a long-lost father and son reunite. Everywhere they go they ask the
question, “What do you want to do before you die?”
The Buried Life crew brought this question to the University of Minnesota campus.
Responses from the audience varied from “break a world record” to “write a book of
stories”. The responses got me thinking. Not only what do I want to do before I die,
but what do I want to do before I graduate?
Four years at college go faster thane expected. As a junior, I know my time as an
undergrad is limited. I took the advice of the Buried Life; I wrote my dreams down
and turned them into tangible goals. Before graduating every student should…
1. Play an intramural sport. It’s one of the easiest ways to meet new people
and work out at the same time. Who doesn’t love dodge ball?
2. Study abroad. College is one of the only times in your life you will be able to
live in a foreign country for months at a time. Take advantage and learn what
the world has to offer.
3. Take a random class. This time in your life is about exploration. Step out
of the boundaries of your major. Take a class you don’t need but sounds
4. Attend every sport at least once. You already receive the student
admission to the games, so go check them out! Even if you don’t know
anything about football or gymnastics, attending the games is about the
5. Go on spring break with friends. These are the times you will remember
from college. It’s not the grade on a paper that will impact you forever, but
the crazy adventures you and your friends get into. Plus you’ll never have a
6. Eat Mesa Pizza at 2 a.m. I’m embarrassed to admit I haven’t done this yet.
Enjoy this University of Minnesota staple and bond with a friend over a
greasy slice of mac ‘n’ cheese pizza after a night out.
7. Take a road trip. Go and visit a friends’ town. Drive hours just to see a
concert. Just go. There is nothing more fun than jamming with a friend to old
boy bands songs while you both sing off-key.
8. Explore Minneapolis. The city has a ton to offer. Get off campus for an
afternoon or night and see what lies beyond the Dinkytown borders.
9. Join a club. The University of Minnesota campus is the size of a small city.
Don’t get lost in the crowd. There is a club for everything and anyone, from
the Pre-Med Club to the Tall People Appreciation Club.
10.Do something you’ll regret later. College is about learning and part of this
is also learning from your mistakes. Take a risk.
As Jonnie said at the presentation, “this is the youngest you’ll ever be”. Don’t wait for
tomorrow to start, make your own list now.
Edwina is entering her senior year at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities where she is majoring in Public Relations. This past summer she worked as an orientation leader for Orientation & First Year Programs and was the marketing intern at Mill City Farmers Market. She loves chai tea, the Chicago Bears, country music, and exploring Minneapolis! For more info check out http://about.me/edwinareckel and you can follow her on twitter @ersreck!