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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

If you’re friends with Zach Love, you know he’s one busy college student. He’s the one you see darting from meeting to meeting but always manages to stop and talk to you. He’s funny, easy-going and highly involved at Millersville. He’s also this week’s campus celebrity.

Zach, a native of Palmyra, sits on the Judicial Affairs Board at Millersville, the Grant Making Board at the Lancaster County Community Foundation (LCCF), he was an orientation leader and manager… and folks, the list goes on.

The LCCF, located on James Street in Lancaster, a resource for ideas and information about giving back to Lancaster County.  Zach sits on the grant making board for the Ah-Ha Seed Project. This fund is geared towards benefiting local youth.

Along with Zach, whom represents Millersville, the board is comprised of a local high school and Franklin & Marshall College student as well as a young professional from the community. The board has $2,500 to divide between five different grants.

But how did Zach get this opportunity? During Zach’s sophomore year, he ran for Charity King. Each Charity King and Queen nominee picks a charity to sponsor with the money he or she raises.

“I’m really passionate about leadership,” Zach stated.

However, he found out there weren’t an leadership funds in the area. But Zach didn’t give up. Instead he started his own fund housed at the LCCF entitled “Love for Youth Leadership.” 

Because he was only 19 when the endowment was established, currently he is the youngest person to hold an endowment at the LCCF.

“I feel honored,” Zach said. “It hasn’t hit me yet because I won’t see the effects of it until years down the road.”

Where did this passion for leadership and involvement stem from? For Zach, it developed in high school where he was highly involved both in clubs and athletics. He played baseball and basketball. His senior year he was team captain of the baseball team. 

“I was in student council, the mascot team, debate and key club,” Zach said. “You name it, I was in it.”

If I wasn’t involved I’d be bored,” Zach said before he gave advice to his fellow Marauders. “Get involved, expand your creativity and take advantage of what [your] college has to offer.”

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Amber Strazzo


Amber Strazzo was born in Queens, NY, but raised in Lancaster, PA. She is currently a Senior at Millersville University, studying Public Relations and Journalism. Amber is the Vice President of Programs of the Xi Tau chapter of Delta Zeta, and is very active in Greek life on her campus. She's a self-proclaimed social media junkie, and loves shopping, her Nook and catching up episodes of Pretty Little Liars. After college, Amber plans to head south for grad school for student affairs.