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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

As I prepare to take my final bow at my last ever dance recital as a performer, I am flooded with a wave of emotions that feel very familiar. They are the same feelings that I had when I graduated in 2018, thinking I would never have another opportunity to dance again…absolutely heartbroken. I have been dancing since I was 4 years old and started out as an extremely shy little girl who couldn’t even get out and perform on stage. Fast forward 18 years later, and I am the Vice President of Expressions Dance and getting out on stage and leaving my heart out on the floor each and every time. I wouldn’t be the dancer I am today without some of the most amazing people and experiences.

To my parents, I cannot thank you both enough for all of the time you took to take me to dance class and to watch each and everyone of my recitals (even if I never got on stage). For all of the money you have put into my dancing career like tuition, costumes and fundraisers, and finally for all of your support and love, I definitely wouldn’t have gained all the confidence that I have now without you always believing in me.

To my home studio Tap N Arts, you have taught me everything I know. From technique and musicality, to being a confident and strong person first that then can turn into a dancer. I cannot thank you enough for giving me my love for dance. And to Expressions, when I thought I was done performing after high school, there you were. You gave me an extra 4 years of my passion that not all students get after they graduate. Thank you for allowing me to continue what I love most and giving me some amazing memories along the way.

To all of my dance friends from home and college, thank you for being you. I have loved dancing beside each and every one of you, bowing with you and being at the studio for too many hours to count with you.

As a reflect on my last 18 years of dance and my final performance, I am so proud of how far I’ve come. I am sad to watch it go but reminiscent on every memory I have had and thankful that to have had 4 extra years of my one and only true passion…dance. I know that dance isn’t over for me as I am now going to see the other side with teaching at my home studio, an absolute dream. Even though I am taking my final bow as a performer, dance will live in my heart always as one of my most favorite things in the world.

HCXO, Sami

Sami Cordner

Millersville '22

My name is Sami Cordner and I am a senior Early Childhood Education major with a minor in STEM at Millersville University graduating in December 2022. I have been dancing for 19 years and recently accepted a position as a dance teacher! I also enjoy cooking, shopping, writing, reading and spending time with the people I love the most. My favorite articles to write are about relationships, experiences and lifestyle! After college I hope to become a 2nd or 3rd grade teacher!