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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

Sam Kress is one of our fantastic writers at Her Campus Millersville. I had the chance to sit down with her and get to know her a little bit better. Sam is from Pottstown, Pennsylvania. She chose to come to Millersville because of the beautiful campus and the surrounding countryside of Lancaster County. I asked her why she had joined Her Campus and what her favorite thing about it was. To that she replied that, “I wasn’t sure about it at first, but it is a way to express myself in different ways and write about things that I like.” In her free time, she likes to read. She is also a part of the color guard here at Millersville. Her major is Dual Early Childhood and Special Education with a minor in integrative STEM. She is one of the many wonderful ladies we have that is pursuing a career in education, including myself. Her ideal age level to teach would be third grade. She is looking forward to completing junior year, that way she can dive right into student teaching rather than sitting back and observing. One experience besides observation that has been significant to her this year was that her best friend moved to Florida for an exchange program. This really was tough for Sam because they are extremely close, but at the same time it was a good experience because she got to meet a lot of new people and branch out more. “It was a sad yet neat experience,” according to Sam. I asked her where she sees herself in 15 years and she said, “I would be about 36. I see myself, career-wise, teaching 3rd or 4th grade. I want 3 dogs and hopefully with a partner in the future.” I think that this is a pretty common vision for a lot of people as well. It certainly is pretty close to mine!

The last question I asked her was a bit of an odd one, but it revealed a lot about how Sam perceives herself. I asked her, if she could be a type of flower, what kind would it be and why. She replied a daisy. Her rea​soning is that “they’re cute and common. They’re simple. I try to be very simplistic and not overcomplicate things.”

To check out more from Sam, visit her page! https://www.hercampus.com/author/samantha-kress




Cecilia Arvelo

Millersville '22

Cecilia is a Senior at Millersville University. She is a Secondary Education major concentrated in Social Studies. In her free time, she loves to read, watch movies, drive around and explore. She loves writing for Her Campus, being a part of Campus Trendsetters, and exploring all of Her Campus's opportunities.