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Stay Calm. . . It’s Only Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

10 Ways to Stay Calm During Finals Week:

1. Think positive thoughts. With a positive mindset you will find that you can do anything! Also, you won’t get tired of studying as fast.

2. Spend time with the therapy dogs in the Student Memorial Center! These adorable dogs will be in the SMC on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Don’t miss out!

3. Don’t forget to treat yourself: Always remember to reward yourself for all the hard work!

4. Struggling with getting through all your notes? Get bored easily? Do you need motivation? If so, use gummy bears to motivate you to keep reading!

5. Another way to fix your ever-growing boredom is to get a change of scenery! A fresh start is sometimes all you need.

6. If both of those don’t work try to read your notes/textbook in a funny accent or goofy voices.

7. Draw pictures to illustrate key points of your notes.

8. Don’t forget to take breaks! You will tire yourself out if you study for hours nonstop.

9. To help decide when to take breaks make a time-table for when to study and when to take a break and have fun. After studying so much you deserve to relax!

10. Last but not least, if you struggle with studying by yourself make a study group! Study groups are great because the members can motivate each other and make sure you each take a break every once in a while. Also, members can help you learn parts that you are struggling with!

Good luck!

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Elizabeth Nace


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