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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

I LOVE bullet journaling! It is such a great way to creatively organize and plan out your life. At times, it’s hard to find inspiration for new monthly or weekly spreads. Trust me, I’ve had my fair share of times when I can’t think of anything to put in my journal. So, which this new season upon us, I figured I would collect some of my most favorite inspiring photos for fall bullet journaling! 

This would be a great page for all your goals or big events for the month! I love the geometric tree!

Personally, I love having a calendar spread in my journal. It helps me look ahead and plan out my month! This October spread is full of my favorite fall colors and is super cute.

This may not seem like a fall theme at first glance, but the orange highlight colors make me think of all the falling leaves! This is also a great example of how your bullet journal can be simple. You don’t need a lot of fancy tapes, paper, or stickers. As long as your system works for you, then it’s perfect!

You can take a page in your journal to doodle out your favorite things about fall to make sure you do it all this fall! Sort of like a fall bucket list! 

Hop on Pinterest and collect some fall images. Print them out and glue them right into your journal, along with some little stickers and quotes! This is one of my most favorite ways to bullet journal. I can’t draw very well, so I love the addition of pictures. You can even print out pictures you’ve taken!

I LOVE the floating leaves on this spread! Combined with the pumpkin doodles, this is the perfect fall weekly spread! You can jot down all your homework assignments or fall dates with your girl gang!

So this might be in a different language but look how beautiful! This mood tracker is a great way to evaluate your mood throughout the month! Each part of the leaf stands for a different day of the month, and the colors stand for different moods, from bad to on top of the world! 

One final weekly spread! This one has more doodles and fall colored washi tape. Use your favorite quotes and fill your blank pages with things that make you smile.


The bottom line is that your bullet journal is for YOU! So if you like one kind of weekly spread more than others, you can use that one! Whatever works best for you is perfect. You do you :)

If anyone is inspired to do some fall bullet journaling, or if you already have a bullet journal, I would LOVE to see your spreads!! Snap a pic and tag us on Instagram (@hercampusmillersville) or tweet us (@HCMillersville) and we’ll repost your beautiful work! Have a wonderful time journaling!

HCXO, Hannah

BONUS INSPO: I recently made a “Bullet journal with me for October” YouTube video! If you wanna check it out, click here!

*All images courtesy of Pinterest

Hannah Newman

Millersville '20

Hannah Newman is a senior at Millersville University, studying Early Childhood Education with an integrative STEM methods minor. She has been writing for Her Campus for over two years, and is loving being the president of such an awesome chapter.
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