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Signing Off for One Last Time, HCXO Lexie

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

Who would have guessed that this moment would be here so fast? I remember freshman year move in day like it was yesterday, yet so much has changed over the last four years. Everyone always told me that college would be over before I knew it, but I always thought that “wouldn’t happen to me.” But here I am. Graduating next week. It’s wild.


Most people say that by the end of the four years they are ready to be done and jump into the world. However, I find myself feeling the exact opposite way right now. I’ve always been very mature and ready to take on the adult world, but there are so many reasons beyond that that are making me want time to pause. College started off really slow for me and I had a lot of dramatic changes occur in the first two years. I became a commuter student for most of freshman and all of sophomore year (definitely not planned LOL). I had friends, but nothing seemed to really “click” for me like it had for other people. I often felt secluded from others and desperately wanted to feel included. The end of sophomore year was when things really started to turn around for me (thank goodness)!!


First off, I met two of my best friends (and now college roommates) during sophomore year. I will never forget meeting you both and you asking me to live with you the following year in an apartment during the first couple days I knew you. I was shocked when you asked me, and I couldn’t not be more grateful that I took that leap of faith and gained two of my best friends in college and for the rest of my life. I wish that I had not met you so far into my college career. 


Secondly, I made the decision to join Expressions Dance as a member of the group during the end of sophomore year. Thankfully, I met some amazing and talented friends in this organization, got to continue doing what I loved in college, performed a duet (shout out to Russell), and even became president of this huge organization during my senior year. I wouldn’t change these memories for the world.


Third, I joined a club called Loved Your Melon Junior year and this is another huge memory for me of college. Getting to work with other students who have similar views as me and getting to help children battling pediatric cancer is one of the most humbling experiences that I’ve had in my life so far. I hope to continue supporting these causes for the rest of my life. Thanks to LYM, I had the opportunity to become PR manager/ treasurer during senior year and that leadership experience taught me a lot.


Now you’re probably wondering where Her Campus comes into my story here. I remember waiting outside of the financial aid office during my sophomore year and while I was waiting, a pink flyer caught my attention so I snapped a quick picture of it and went on with my day. That flyer had me interested so I quickly Googled what Her Campus was and quickly decided to email the president of the club. She welcomed me with open arms and made me feel so included in the club from the beginning. Thanks to Her Campus I have made life long friends, learned what it’s like to be a girl boss, had my articles published on the internet(!!) and even became Treasurer for the past two years. Her Campus is something that I will truly cherish from my college memories.


To Hannah and Lola: My besties. Truly some of the most genuine people I have met in my entire life. I can count on both of you for anything and I can’t thank you enough for becoming my friend when we joined Her Campus together. Y’all are lifelong friends. 


Alyssa: You constantly help me put a smile on my face! Seriously you tell the best stories and have always been there for me when I needed it. I can’t wait to see where your bright future goes. Thank you for always being a great friend!!


Alanna: Thank you for always making me laugh!! You are such a ray of sunshine, and when you walk into a room you light it up. Plus you always are so fashionable. Thank you for being a wonderful friend!!


Erika: Seriously, you are one of the most hardworking people ever. Thank you for giving me two wonderful years of Her Carnival and showing me what dedication to an organization looks like. You are the definition of the girl boss!!


Jenna: I am so so proud of you Jenna. You have such a kind heart and you are so dedicated in everything you do. I can’t wait to see all you do for Her Campus next year. Trust me I will be cheering you on!


The rest of my HC girlies: THANK YOU for being the best, being there to support me and making me so proud when I read each of your articles. I will be cheering you all on next year as I continue to support this wonderful chapter.


College has prepared me well for my future path, but one thing is for sure: I will never forget the memories I had from these important organizations, and the lifelong friends I’ve made along the way. After college, I will be moving to Virginia to begin my career as a first grade teacher. The distance might be far, but my friendships from Her Campus can last anything! 


Here’s to the class of 2020! Signing off the internet for one last time:



Lexie Sites

Millersville University Graduate

Lexie Sites

Millersville '20

Hi! My name is Lexie Sites and I am a Early Childhood Education major with a STEM minor! HerCampus has allowed me to push my comfort zone, so I hope you enjoy reading my articles! HCXO, Lexie