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Setting Sail: Lindsey Buffington

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

Recent Millersville University graduate Lindsey Buffington landed a dream job on Carnival Cruise Lines. Carnival Cruise Lines is a British-American owned cruise line with employees from over 120 nations around the world. The company has the largest fleet in the group with 22 vessels currently in operation.

Lindsey graduated in May 2011 with a Bachelor’s degree in Speech Communication with a concentration in Public Relations. She can speak 4 different languages and is from Camp Hill, PA. Her Campus Millersville had the opportunity to speak with the lovely Lindsey about her new job with Carnival, how MU has helped her and advice she would give to the incoming Freshman.
Her Campus Millersville: What are your responsibilities on Carnival Cruise Line?
Lindsey Buffington: My official title in the company is Entertainment Staff, formally known as Social Host.  My responsibilities include hosting games, shows and other activities around the ship. We are required to make guest appearances such as taking “Fun Photos”, “Hanging Out” with the guests and giving “Free Hugs”. We also are all given specific duties during shows, debarkations and emergency situations to help keep the guests safe. All in all, everyday is different and I never know what is going to happen. 

HCM: Have you ever been on a cruise prior to working for Carnival?

LB: Actually I had only ever been on one cruise before and it was with Norwegian Cruise Line. It was very nice but very different from the work environment that I am in…. I prefer my company! 

HCM: What do you enjoy most about your job?
LB: The thing I enjoy most about my job is the people. The destinations are amazing and beautiful but the experience is so much better with great people around. Not only do I get to meet guests from all over the place, but my fellow crew and staff members represent 120 nations around the world. So many different stories and different personalities are all rolled up in to one ship and it is amazing.

HCM: What surprised you most about working for Carnival?

LB: The thing that surprised me the most about Carnival was how close everyone in the company is. It is a huge business and yet everyone seems to know everyone. It is one big family and [that has] made it a pleasant place to live and work.

HCM: What do you think about travelling for such a long period of time?
LB: At first I was really excited about it, then really nervous and almost scared.  Now that I am here and doing it I can’t imagine being at home working in a restaurant anymore. I will be able to visit home every 6 months for up to 6 months (most people do about 2 months vacation), but in the mean time I get to travel to the most beautiful places in the world and see things that most people never get the opportunity to see and do. I have absolutely no regrets!!!

HCM: How has Millersville helped you with your Career so far?

LB: Millersville has definitely given me the tools to be successful in this industry.  It has prepared me to interact professionally and socially with guests and co-workers. It has also provided me with the computer skills necessary for the business side of my work. Having the communication and technology skills for the entertainment industry has made the training process much easier. This has lead to acknowledgements from the captain and cruise directors of the ship. 

HCM: What is your favorite thing about Millersville?

LB: In a nutshell, everything! I love the location, the professors, the students, and the classes provided. It is close to multiple cities and downtown Lancaster is beautiful.  All the professors are willing to provide help when you ask for it and definitely helped prepare me for the working world. The students are all full of life and ready to have a good time, and the classes available are all useful and practical.

HCM: Who do or did you look up to at Millersville?

LB: I have always admired and looked up to Dr. Wood! Her drive and ambition motivated me to work harder and to push myself.  She taught me that you should never settle and that you can do anything that you set your mind to. All you need is good people around you, ambition and drive. She taught me how to act professional and how to separate work and play. I truly owe her for much of my success. She is an awesome women and a great role model for others.

HCM: What advice would you give to younger students?

LB: Listen to your professors!! You may think that some of what they say and do may be ridiculous but there is always a reason behind everything that they do.  You may not understand that meaning right away but you will one day! Also try not to get too frustrated. Some professors are [stricter] than others but they are also the ones that will teach you the most. They were hired because they are good at what they do and you should definitely take advantage of what they have to offer.

HCM: What is something that people would be surprised to know about you?

LB: Oh I don’t know. (Laughing) I can say “I love you” in 14 different languages. That’s kind of interesting and it’s always a great conversation starter with people from those countries. 

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Amber Strazzo


Amber Strazzo was born in Queens, NY, but raised in Lancaster, PA. She is currently a Senior at Millersville University, studying Public Relations and Journalism. Amber is the Vice President of Programs of the Xi Tau chapter of Delta Zeta, and is very active in Greek life on her campus. She's a self-proclaimed social media junkie, and loves shopping, her Nook and catching up episodes of Pretty Little Liars. After college, Amber plans to head south for grad school for student affairs.