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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

The beginning of the semester can be an overwhelming time for new and returning college students. Handling rude professors, endless assignments, and still having to balance work, friends, and campus activities is difficult. Personally, I know that I often find myself filling up my schedule with these things and leaving no time for my own self-care. It’s so easy to disregard your own mental health when you’re constantly doing other things. Don’t get me wrong, I realize that this is a vital time for creating long-lasting connections and having fun (in addition to getting an education), but your mental health is super important and should be made a priority. I’ve been in college for almost three years, and overtime I have learned many self-care strategies that have helped me through all these semesters, and I hope they can help you when you need a breather too. 

1. Go for a walk

Whether you live on campus or live at home, walking can be done anywhere and at any time! This is a great way to relieve some stress. Often when we walk, we’re not only taking a step away from the reality of stressful school life, but we’re also exercising, which is proven to benefit your mental and physical health in many ways! Usually when I go for a walk, it gives me some time to think and process the long day I’ve had in pure silence.  

2. self-care sundays!

There are many things you can do throughout your day that focuses on self-care but finding the time can be difficult. I keep a calendar in my dorm room that I write down all my plans for that week. The only thing is, I keep Sunday completely open! Not only does this give me an entire day for myself, but it also helps me relieve some stress for the upcoming week. The best part though is you can do whatever you want ALL DAY. Whether you give yourself time to organize your room, hangout with friends, or simply stay in bed all day (my favorite thing to do), you’re reminding yourself that YOU are valuable and an important part of your schedule.  

3. start a journal

Stress is something that can really damage mental health and talking to others about it can also be difficult. One thing that’s helped me is writing in a journal. I don’t just write about my problems; I also write about how my day went, and just any random thought that was in my head. I’ve learned that doing this has helped me process my emotions better. I’ve always struggled with bottling up my problems and never talking about it with anyone since some things I’m just not comfortable sharing. Giving myself this outlet lets me express my thoughts in any way I wish.  

4. read a book

I wouldn’t be the typical English major if I wasn’t mentioning a book at least once. Seriously though, I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but hear me out when I say reading is a great way to calm down. Picking up any book of any genre that you enjoy, sitting down alone in a quiet space, and escaping to a world in which you can forget about stress even just for 15 minutes is wonderful for mental health. This is a great option for those who only have a few times throughout the week that they can focus on themselves, and once you finish a book it’s very rewarding. I’d also recommend going to a library to guarantee a great selection with some sweet silence!  

Self-care is not as complicated as it seems, even though some days it can feel like a challenge. As a college student, remember that you are smart, dedicated, and resilient, but you don’t have to push yourself every moment. It’s okay to feel like you need a break, and you deserve it for all the hard work you do throughout the semester.

HCXO, Jules  

Julia Yetman

Millersville '26

Hey I'm Jules! I'm a sophomore at Millersville University & I'm majoring in Secondary English Education. Some of my hobbies are writing, painting, and singing! In addition to Her Campus, I'm also a member of Delta Zeta. My favorite subjects to write about are mental health, college life, self care & my long distance relationship. ♡