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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

Many reasons for going to college or starting a business is to learn and do the things we love. Personally, as I dive deeper into my Media Arts Production major, I’m finding little ways to start putting myself out there in the world and having people notice. In some careers, this is fairly important. There’s one thing I’d like to highlight that I’ve been doing recently that has really grabbed the attention and inspired many of my peers. Promoting myself as a brand! 


Now I know this sounds a little silly and you may only see this when influencers do it, but the idea is actually quite smart. Creating a profile of your achievements and projects you’re working on gives you a platform to share to future employers and peers of what you’ve been doing. Now we all have our personal social media where we love to post pictures of ourselves and family, but sometimes companies don’t really care for that and are just digging to see what you’ve done in experience to what they’re hiring. Basically, are you passionate about your work. Over the summer I made an Instagram profile specifically for my achievements and projects I have done at work and school. This way I can highlight things I do in my clubs, classes, and projects that I do at work. It gives people a guide to what I’ve learned and can do. Creating a profile such as this is a representation of yourself and only you have the power to promote however you want to for your brand. This also lets organizations tag your profile so when people are interested, there aren’t posts of how you dress up as Dora for your high school pep rally. Instead it leads them to your top achievements and what you’re working on! It’s a smart way of marketing that doesn’t get your personal life or other pictures in the way. 


This also helps if you really like your personal profiles to be private. Over the years social media has been gaining popularity and many of us use it in our day-to-day lives. It’s one of the easiest ways to access information. Creating LinkedIn profiles, blog posts, Instagram, and even TikTok can show the world what your personality is and what passions you have. As much as I love posting about my dog and baby nephew, I wanted to separate my personal life from my career. It gives me the flexibility and enjoyment so I can post multiple things at once. It also keeps things professional. I know sometimes there are some pictures that I don’t want on my personal Instagram because I don’t think they fit the theme, but I also want to show people what I am achieving. This will give a nice balance and a great way to put yourself out there as you further yourself in your career. So if you are looking for a fun way to use media platforms to promote yourself or your work, consider creating a separate account for anything from writing and sharing poems to producing shows and fashion designs. Who knows, you may gain a popular following that will have opportunities knocking at your door.


Valentina :-)

Hey everyone it's me Valentina Z, and I am a Senior at Millersville University! Currently, as a Media Arts Production major, I am exploring the world and sharing my new experiences along the way. I have a passion for fashion, lifestyle tips, food, and nerd culture. I am a proud Latina who is always ready to try new things and isn’t afraid to take on life. Follow me into the unknown that is college, dating, and more! I hope my work inspires you as you read <3