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Our First Her Campus Millersville Meeting!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

Welcome back, Collegiates!

Here at Her Campus Millersville, we are super excited for this coming semester! We had our first HC general meeting on Wednesday, September 4th, and we were so excited to see so many new and familiar faces. Our executive board has tons of awesome ideas for this semester, and can barely contain their excitement for when we can bring them into play. We’re hoping to collaborate with some other Her Campus chapters, have workshops every month, and mutiple bonding events every month. We’re practically shaking with excitement!

What is Her Campus?

Her Campus is an online magazine where everything is written by college students, for college students. HC National is stationed in Boston, while there are college chapters across the United States as well as some chapters internationally. We welcome people of all majors, cultures, genders – anyone who likes to write! We form close families with the members in our chapters, and these clubs are always full of the most supportive people you’ll ever meet. The articles we write can range from fashion to health to news, and anything in between! We’re always happy to read about anything that our members are passionate about or interested in.

What are the survival kits?

Twice a semester, each chapter receives two survival kits from HC National. They include makeup and skin products, pins, clothes, journals, stationary, and more! They’re different each month. Our writers receive items from the survival kits, and the extras are used for giveaways to our college campuses. The chapters are also leveled by the amount of points we receive each month (for articles, events, social media, etc.) and the higher level you are, the more stuff you receive.

What’s the schedule like?

We post articles every day! We have both full time writers and rolling basis writers. Full time writers write articles every other week, while rolling basis members write once a month. We keep an organized schedule to ensure that no one is over-scheduled or forgotten. The day after an article is published, it’s shared on Instagram and Facebook, so it’s shareable and easy for family members or friends to read.

If you’re interested in finding out more about our chapter, send an email to millersville@hercampus.com. If you want to read some of our articles, go to hercampus.com/school/millersville.

Happy reading!

HCXO, Her Campus Millersville

All images courtesy of Google Images

Lola Itzhaki

Millersville '19

Lola is currently a senior at Millersville University studying Early Childhood Education and has a love for art, music, plants, and coffee. Writing is something she has always loved, as well as traveling. A major goal of hers is to travel the whole way around the Earth and experience the different cultures across the world.
The top fashion and lifestyle magazine for college women! Located in Millersville, PA <3