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friends road trip california fall break windows down music
Molly Peach / Her Campus
Career > Her20s

My Core Memories Of College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

College is full of memories that will stick with you forever. I am fortunate enough to say that, even though my college career was put on hold because of COVID, I have made memories to last me a lifetime. While it’s hard to narrow it down, here are just a FEW of my favorite core memories.

sushi and wine nights with erin

Not limited to just sushi and wine, but any night that Erin and I spend on the couch eating good food and sipping wine always turns into a night of belly laughs and rom-coms. Living with your best friend can be tricky, but I hit the jackpot by living with Erin. Movie nights on the couch, fighting over who is loading / unloading the dishwasher, and making fun of each other’s park jobs in the driveway (she’s the worst) will always give me a good laugh. I will always cherish our nights together that are good for the soul.

Singing Taylor Swift in the car with gabby

Driving with the windows down and singing in the car always makes for a great day, but singing Taylor Swift with your best friend will always hit different. I’ve never had a friend that can sing absolutely every Taylor song with me, so you can imagine my shock when I found an even bigger blondie fan than me. From All Too Well to Gorgeous, I will never forget sipping Alani’s and belting our favorite songs together.

Broadway jazz with kristen

I know this sounds oddly specific, but broadway jazz is where it all started for Kristen and I. We were partnered together and for no good reason it was the funniest thing ever. I have a track record for forgetting dances (and if you know me, everything else) so she quickly became my memory for me. Every week in broadway, Kristen and I would get scolded for laughing through the entire dance. That pretty much sums up Kristen and I as friends – literally laughing through everything together. I’m beyond thankful for my dance memories with her.

Late nights in the library

To all my friends that have studied with me at the library until 1 AM, you’re a real one. For some reason, the library was the only place that I could function during my freshman and sophomore year. I would roll up to McNairy in my sweats with plenty of snacks and a cup of coffee in hand. These study sessions were always better with friends, even if much didn’t get done. From singing Hozier to exploring the basement, studying was never actually boring! Y’all know who you are.

movie nights

I have never watched more movies in my life than I have in my senior year. Rewatching movies has always been my comfort, and luckily Erin and I both love a sappy rom-com. Kristen and Gabby have introduced me to the world of Marvel and Harry Potter. While they aren’t The Wedding Planner, I’m grateful for my time spent watching movies and eating ice cream with my girls.

parking tickets

If you go to Millersville, or even went, you know this is a joke that isn’t quite a joke. You didn’t go to Millersville if you didn’t get 2638 warnings and at least 7 tickets. I swear, it’s actually a right of passage at Ville to get a ticket or two.

morning shifts with gabby

If you knew me in high school, you know I hated mornings. If you know me in college, you hate me because I now like mornings (ask Kristen). Somehow I worked a 5:45 AM shift with Gabby last semester and the rest was history. Now we open the gym, get coffee, and spend 4 hours every morning talking about everything under the sun. It’s exhausting, but the company is so so worth it. I will not miss the hour, but I’ll miss these morning convos with Gabby.

new holland coffee dates with lexi

Lexi and I drink coffee like it’s our job. Every Wednesday we spend a few hours at New Holland catching up on homework and girl talk. Lexi has been my ride or die since sophomore year, and I can’t even begin to think about post-grad without seeing her everyday. I will cherish our not-so-studious study dates and the bottomless cups of coffee forever. Not to mention her blessing my hair with killer braids every time I see her.


I have to credit my girl, my twin, and my bestie Lauren Sheffy for getting me into the fitness industry and ultimately inspiring my entire fitness journey. She took me under her wing, taught me what I needed to know, and pushed me to get my personal training and fitness instructor certs. After we passed the exam, we taught fitness classes and co-personal trained. The COUNTLESS hours spent at the gym, creating playlists, and eating everything under the sun will forever be ingrained in my heart.

meeting my boyfriend

Yeah yeah, I know, sappy stuff. My top core memory of college is meeting Luke my freshman year. I’ll spare the details of our first interaction at the gym (he was a little nervous and so SO cute), but I will never forget meeting him for the first time. I’m thankful we were introduced to each other and even more thankful for every single memory we’ve made in the last three years.

I have NO idea how my senior year is winding down, but I couldn’t be more thankful for these memories that I get to hold close to me. These few memories don’t even scratch the surface and include all of the incredible people that I have met in my college career, but I’m grateful for everyone that is in my corner and has blessed me with these moments to think back on.



Laura Sheaffer

Millersville '21

My name is Laura Sheaffer and I am a senior at MU! I am a Speech Communications major with an option in Public Relations and minors in English, Writing Studies, Creative Writing & Publishing. I am active in Expressions Dance where I hold the position of the lyrical teacher and the public relations manager. I have been dancing for 18 years and love that I get to continue my passion at college. I am a personal trainer and a fitness instructor here at Millersville. When I'm not dancing or at the gym, you can find me at the library or a cute coffee shop! In my free time I enjoy reading, running and hiking.