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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

A freshman at MU, Jess, is taking a rainy day here in style!  I’m a big fan of her black, leather jacket. Under that she has a sheer, white top with a black collar and lining to go along with her black button-up skirt. Along with her purple tinted leggings, she’s wearing black and white oxfords, which I am also in love with! You can purchase shoes like Jess’s at Payless or Zappos.com.

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Jenna Moyer


My name is Jenna Moyer, I'm 21 years old, and I am currently a junior at Millersville University where I'm an Early Childhood and Special Education major. I love kids and I have a 3 year old nephew, who also happens to be my godson! My favorite color is purple and lilies are my favorite flower. I am absolutely obsessed with the show Friends! I love going to concerts, even concerts where I have no idea who bands are, because that's how you get to know good music. My favorite band is Parachute. I love my friends, boyfriend, and family, and I would have no idea what I would do without them!
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