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Lindsey Reyes, ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.


Name:  Lindsey Reyes
Age:  20
Relationship Status: Single
Hometown:  Middletown, PA
Year:  Junior
Major:  Psychology
Campus activities:  n/a

What’s a funny story your family always tells about you?

                The time I fell down the stairs on Thanksgiving in front of everyone and tried to play it off

What’s your favorite thing about Millersville?

                The options and opportunities that Millersville has to offer

What’s your favorite thing to do in Millersville and Lancaster?

                 Go to the mall with friends

What’s your favorite food?


What is your ideal vacation?

                A cruise to the Bahamas

What’s a song that describes your life?

                 Katy Perry “Firework”

What is your favorite holiday?


What is the most played song on your iTunes?

                Taylor Swift “Eyes Open”

What is your biggest pet peeve?

                When people chew with their mouth open!

Who is a famous person you would like to meet?

                Taylor Swift

Who is your favorite music artist?

                Taylor Swift

What is your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?

                Cuddle and watch movies

What is something someone would be surprised to know about you?

                I am the first in my family to go to college.

What is your biggest fear?

                I am afraid of the dark

What is your dream job?

                Working with kids as a school psychologist.

Do you have any special talents?

                I know how to play the clarinet

Where do you see yourself in five years?

            Graduated from MU working with kids in the Psychology field, possibly in grad school working on my masters in school psychology.

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Elyse Brown
