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It’s OKAY If You Don’t Like Him On The First Date!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

I was honest and glad to be.

Something I tend to struggle within my life is this question:

Will I ever find love?

I love all my friends and family, but I am talking about that special “foot popping” love. That rare kind of love that you share with someone for the rest of your life. I’ve been waiting to feel like this in all my 18 years of existence, and today I am so glad I still am.

As normal as it sounds, I went on a date this past week. One of my friends had set me up with him, but even before the date I felt I shouldn’t be forcing something I probably wasn’t ready for. He was sweet and nice, but something in my heart was telling me that I’d rather be friends with this guy.

Photo by Laula & Co on Unsplash

Of course, I was excited to meet someone, but I also knew that I shouldn’t be rushing into a relationship at the moment. So, I made it clear that I just wanted to be friends with this guy, and to be honest, I’m glad I did. When I went on the date, I realized that I didn’t like this guy in the way that he might like me. Now, this put me in a tough corner because I could tell that he liked me and one thing I am scared of is REJECTION. I hate the feeling and even just being the person to let the other down is a tough spot to be put in. Also, I feel like the word rejection is so harsh, but that’s honestly the straight forward point. You don’t want to be in a relationship with this person, but you also don’t want to hurt their feelings. This is what I was feeling and at the time, I felt like something was wrong with me, but in reality, it’s a completely normal feeling if not better.

Instead of going along and putting myself into a situation I probably was interested in… I was honest with myself and said, “If I don’t like him then I don’t have to go out with him.” And this is something I feel like many girls and guys struggle with. If you’re on your first date and you feel like it won’t work out or that things aren’t working out in your relationship, then don’t be afraid to have a talk with the person and be honest with them. The longer you put yourself through it and say you’re fine (but you’re not) then the more you’re going to hurt yourself and them. It’s easier to be honest with them and tell them the truth so you’re not leading them on, but it will also make you feel at peace.

Chi Omega Throw What You Know
Cassie Howard / Her Campus

I wanted to share the story because this is exactly how I felt that I’m sure many can relate to. I thought that if he liked me, then I have to be in a relationship because that’s how these things work; but in reality, I knew this is something I didn’t want to get into (at least not in the way that he might’ve wanted). So, I was honest and it felt great to be, because not only am I not in some relationship that I don’t want to be in, but time and feelings were saved in the process. So the next time you go on a date with a guy or a girl and you’re not feeling the same way… be sure to be honest with them because you’ll end up saving a lot of trouble if you do. 



Hey everyone it's me Valentina Z, and I am a Senior at Millersville University! Currently, as a Media Arts Production major, I am exploring the world and sharing my new experiences along the way. I have a passion for fashion, lifestyle tips, food, and nerd culture. I am a proud Latina who is always ready to try new things and isn’t afraid to take on life. Follow me into the unknown that is college, dating, and more! I hope my work inspires you as you read <3