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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

First off I want to tell you that a long distance relationship is 100% worth it. I myself am in a 200 mile long distance relationship and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. You might think I’m crazy, which I am, but with a few of my tips I can hopefully help make your LDR a little easier and stress free.

1. Never have an argument while texting

This is probably one of my number one tips to share. Arguments over text message are always, I repeat always, a bad idea! Calling each other to talk things out is a much better option. It is always easier to get your point across and it allows you to hear the other person’s side as well.

2. Have a few small objects of each other’s

It can be a sweatshirt, necklace, or stuffed animal. It truly does not matter, but every time you look at it or wear it you will instantly be reminded of your significant other. There is nothing better than wearing a pretty necklace while being reminded of your relationship at the same time.

3. Write handwritten letters to each other

This is something that my boyfriend and I incorporated into our lives this school year. Every week we set aside some time to write a handwritten letter to each other. It is so fun to receive snail mail from your love as well as be able to fully explain how your week went. It is so fun to look back and read old letters as well. It is a very romantic way to stay in touch.

4. Always know the other’s schedule

Know each other’s schedule. It is very helpful to know when the other has class, meetings, etc. Knowing each other’s schedules allows for you to set time aside that works for the both of you to call, text, skype, etc.

5. Give each other space/ have alone time

As much as being in a long distance relationship is lonely, it is important to allow your S.O to have alone time and it is also important for you to take time for yourself as well. Just because you are miles and miles away and do not see each other doesn’t mean that you should be in contact at every waking moment. This is something that I, myself need to work on too.

6. Visit each other when possible

Planning trips to see each other is the highlight of a LDR. Visiting each other can become very expensive though, so just visit as much as your time and wallet allow. Limited visits make each time you do visit even more special and exciting!

7. Be clear with expectations

Make sure that you and your SO are on the same page about some of the tips listed above. Many sure you both understand how much time you want committed to certain aspects of your relationship each week. Establishing these “guidelines” makes for a much smoother transition back into your LDR and also helps so that you are both on the same page. There were no Gif’s for this tip, so I included a HSM one because Troy and Gabrielle will forever be couple goals!

8. Focus on the future

This is something that I remind myself on a daily basis. It can be so easy to get caught up in your emotions and be sad about the fact that your SO is far away from you. Whenever I get sad, I just remind myself to think about the future and where the relationship will take me after the distance goes away. For example, you can count down the days until you are reunited next. That always seems to take my mind off of the current distance.

9. Skype

Skype/Facetime are truly lifesavers for people in long distance relationships. Being able to talk while seeing each other’s faces is 100 better than any other form of communication. Setting aside “Skype dates” during the week helps your week go a lot faster. Trust me, you should try it!

10. Always stay positive

My final and last tip is to stay positive. Long distance relationships tend to be a lot trickier than the average relationship. But if the two of you are meant to be together, then things will all work out in the end. Just always try and stay positive even when the times get tough.

Good luck with your own LDR!!

XOXO, Lexie

    *All images courtesy of Giphy

    Lexie Sites

    Millersville '20

    Hi! My name is Lexie Sites and I am a Early Childhood Education major with a STEM minor! HerCampus has allowed me to push my comfort zone, so I hope you enjoy reading my articles! HCXO, Lexie
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