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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

Life has its ups and downs. Sometimes it can be hard to get through a down turn. I think at some point everyone loses their mojo and it can be hard to get it back. So, here are some ways to get your mojo back!

Write Down All Your Goals

By writing down all your goals, you can see exactly what you need to accomplish. With every goal, write how you can achieve them. Make a plan and then you have something to work towards. You can even sort them by what kind of goals you’re setting like personal growth or fitness. 

Force Yourself To Complete Tasks

Force yourself to complete the tasks that you used to plan your goals. Once you start forcing yourself to do it, you’ll automatically do them. Soon, it will become more enjoyable.

Track Your Progress

If you track your progress, you gain more inspiration to finish all your goals. This will also hold you accountable to complete everything you set out to do. If you don’t track your goals, you’re more susceptible to failing.

Set a Reward For Yourself

If you set a reward, you’ll stay motivated to get everything done. For a physical reward, pick something healthy like a new outfit or your favorite snack. Another kind of reward would just be the satisfaction of getting everything done.



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Jenna Case

Millersville '20

Hello! I'm Jenna, I am an Applied Engineering major from Harrisburg, PA. I love to spend time with my family, and write! In my free time, I can usually be found watching Netflix or bullet journaling. For more about me, you can follow me on my Instagram @jennaccase
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