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How to Get Through Finals Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

Finals…the six-letter word that everyone dreads to hear. Thankfully we can see summer in the near future, but with the end of the school year comes crunch time. I myself have about one week until my finals start, and I’m sure many of you are going through finals week right now. Hopefully you can take my tips below and put them to good use to make your finals week seem a little bit less stressful!

1. Organize!!!

Organization is key during final week! Take some time before your finals week to write down all of the assignments that you need to finish and what times/days you are going to study for your exams. Make sure to write down the times that you want to set aside for this work each day.

2. Sleep at Night

Getting at least 7-8 hours is necessary when you are spending your entire week studying and finishing up your final assignments. Try to go to bed by 11pm each night and waking up around 7am.

3. Drink Coffee

Grabbing yourself a cup of coffee or tea while you grind away helps to make you more productive. I always feel like I have my life together when I have a cup of coffee. Im not sure that it actually makes me more awake, but I’ll keep believing it to make myself feel better.

4. Make Flashcards

Look through your notes from each class and make flashcards for all of the important vocabulary terms. I think that making cards for the most important words help to focus you when you are studying and studying becomes a lot easier! It also helps to refresh your memory as you make the cards!

5. Take Breaks

Taking breaks during your studying is so important to your health! This is something that I always forget to do, and then I end up exhausted by nighttime everyday. Try taking a 20 minute break after about an hour and a half of studying/working.

6. Don’t Procrastinate!

Procrastination is probably the worst thing that you can do for yourself. Instead of waiting until the night before your exam or assignment due date, try working on it for the entire week before it is due! You will be able to focus better and you will not burnout!

7. Look at Your Syllabi

Before you sit down to start your final projects/study for finals, make sure to review your syllabus! This will help to remind you about what you have done the entire semester and it will also usually help you out by telling your what the final will be like!

8. Filter Through Your Notes

Filtering through your notes can be very beneficial! Keep the notes that will help you to study for your final, and throw out the ones that are not needed. Decluttering will make you feel better and will also help you to narrow down your study materials to what is actually important!

9. Take Care of Yourself

Self care is SO SO SO important!! If you feel sick or exhausted during finals week, you will not perform well at all. Take some time to read a book, watch a little TV, do a facemask, etc!!

10. Treat Yourself Girlfriend!

Once your finals are over, take the time to do something for yourself! You deserve it girlfriend!


Good luck on your finals babes!!




All images courtesy of Giphy.com and Google.com

Lexie Sites

Millersville '20

Hi! My name is Lexie Sites and I am a Early Childhood Education major with a STEM minor! HerCampus has allowed me to push my comfort zone, so I hope you enjoy reading my articles! HCXO, Lexie
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