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Homecoming Playlist

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

With homecoming just around the corner, we wanted to bring you a playlist that could put you in the right mood!  Put this on as the soundtrack to the weekend when you’re wearing your black and gold and showing your Millersville pride!

True to your School – The Beach Boys
If homecoming celebrates one thing, it’s obviously school pride!  That’s why this Beach Boys classic is the first one up on the playlist.

I Love College – Asher Roth
These days, what college playlist isn’t complete without this hit?  Not that Asher Roth will ever have a career after this, but at least he gave us this one.  Whether you still love it or it’s played out, you have to admit that this song will be played at college parties for years to come.

I Hate College Remix – Sam Adams
Don’t love college?  Well this remix of Asher Roth’s song hits on just that.  This song talks about the social scene and loving the perks of college freedom but still hating class, tests, and other student stressors.  This had to make the playlist because it’s just another college favorite.

Glory Days – Bruce Springsteen
Alumni – this song’s for you!  Homecoming is all about alumni coming back to their old stomping grounds and reminiscing on the crazy days of college that can only be referred to as their “glory days.”  Too bad homecoming is only one weekend – then it’s back to real life!

Where the Party At – Jagged Edge
Remember your freshman homecoming?  Maybe not… but either way this song pretty much sums it up.  Being new on campus, the younger students may not know where to go to experience the finest homecoming events.  Upper classmen, take pity – you were all in their shoes once.  After all – it is a celebration!

Don’t Stop Believin’ – Journey
As the final seconds run down at the homecoming football game, this song is dedicated to Millersville football fans.  Don’t worry – we’ll get that W someday.

We are the Champions – Queen
Well, a girl can dream, can’t she?

Red Solo Cup – Toby Keith
If I have to explain this one, I’m concerned.  Let the lyrics speak to you.

Love in a College Town – Luke Bryan
You’ve all seen the wedding pictures happen at the pond.  Well this song is dedicated to the romantic in all of us.  Dig deep down… it’s in there somewhere.

Shout – The Isley Brothers
This song became an instant college classic as soon as John Belushi started chanting “TOGA! TOGA! TOGA!”  So here’s to the life we all secretly wish we were living!

Black and Yellow – Wiz Kalifia
This last song is the true anthem of Marauder pride.  Millersville – this is my plea.  Can we PLEASE get a parody of this?!  Maybe Scully will rap it for us. 

Well there you have it – the soundtrack to homecoming!  What songs do you need to hear to get amped for the weekend?  Look for our another themed playlist next week on Her Campus Millersville!

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Amber Strazzo


Amber Strazzo was born in Queens, NY, but raised in Lancaster, PA. She is currently a Senior at Millersville University, studying Public Relations and Journalism. Amber is the Vice President of Programs of the Xi Tau chapter of Delta Zeta, and is very active in Greek life on her campus. She's a self-proclaimed social media junkie, and loves shopping, her Nook and catching up episodes of Pretty Little Liars. After college, Amber plans to head south for grad school for student affairs.