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Hannah Newman: President of Her Campus and Pocketful of Sunshine

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

Hannah Emily Newman is the president of Her Campus Millersville, and is the human equivalent of sunshine. She is a beautiful person, inside, and out, and I had the pleasure to ask her some questions about herself. Hannah is majoring in early childhood education and minoring in integrative STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) and is absolutely thriving in college. Let’s get to know her!

What made you go into education?

This is a question that Hannah is passionate about! She says, “I always loved playing school with my siblings, so I just naturally knew that I would go to school to be a teacher. However, it never really hit me that education was my calling and passion until the summer going into my junior year of college. I worked at a summer camp at a community center in a low-income housing area. That summer, I had a group of kiddos going into fourth grade. My job involved watching over them during camp and ensuring that they had a safe and fun summer. Through this job, I truly saw the impact of a positive person in the lives of students who may not have that. These kids were unique, silly, thoughtful, and so much more than biases say they are. It was then that I realized that teachers do so much more than teach addition or how to read. Teachers foster students to become the best people they can be, not just the best student they can be. So many children need advocates, and if I could help even just a handful of students, that would mean the world.”

What are your goals for 10 years from now?

“I can see myself in 10 years living in a cozy home, fully decorated and furnished with comfy couches and plants everywhere. Having a warm and inviting home is something important to me. I want my home to be the place that people can come to celebrate holidays if they don’t have family around to celebrate with. In addition, I hope to have my very own classroom that does a lot of inquiry based learning, project based learning, and STEM education. I want my classroom to be such a welcoming and fun learning environment that children can’t help but be excited to come to school. I hope to be married and have some cats as well.”

Why did you join Her Campus?

“I joined Her Campus two years ago because I wanted to have a writing outlet that pushed and inspired me. I also was in search of a solid group of friends. I remember meeting Jordan (one of our past presidents) at the Her Campus table during Organization Outbreak. She was so kind and inspiring, even in just the few minutes that I talked to her, and I knew that this was what I was searching for. I think we all like to find a purpose and a club that helps fuel that purpose. Her Campus was my way to do that.” She has certainly made a huge impact on our chapter, and we are so glad that she is our president!

How has HC changed your college experience?

Hannah says that “Her Campus has taught me a lot of wonderful things about life. For example, through Her Campus, I learned what true kindness is. My Her Campus gals are always so uplifting and kind to me, which has helped me through my college journey. I have so many more friends now that I know are there for me if I would ever need anything (and vise versa). Her Campus has also taught me a lot about myself. As a freshman, I never would have imagined being president of anything, let alone a club on campus with over 30 members. I learned to have faith in myself and learned that I can be a leader. I also learned about myself as a writer and figured out what I was passionate about based on what I chose to write my articles about.”

If you were a meme, what would you be?

“I would be a Baby Yoda meme because baby Yoda is so cute and is just trying his best!!” (Hannah, of course, is also so cute and always tries her best).

If you could meet any celebrity (dead or alive) who would it be and why?

Hannah’s dream is to meet Matthew Gray Gubler (from Criminal Minds) because he is such a talented actor and is “unapologetically himself, no matter what. It’s inspiring to see him living his life and doing things his own unique way.”

Hannah is always her own unique person, and I’m so glad that over the past few years I’ve grown so close to her. I’m lucky enough to call her one of my close friends, and I cannot wait to see her blossom as a teacher one day. She is already making differences in the lives of the people around her and will continue to do so for all of the people she meets. We love you, Hannah!

Check out some of her gorgeous writing here!

HCXO, Lola

Lola Itzhaki

Millersville '19

Lola is currently a senior at Millersville University studying Early Childhood Education and has a love for art, music, plants, and coffee. Writing is something she has always loved, as well as traveling. A major goal of hers is to travel the whole way around the Earth and experience the different cultures across the world.