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To the Girls Who Spent Valentine’s Day Single

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

Valentine’s Day… Yeah, that day that people either love or hate. The day when people post on social media about their love for a significant other or the day you avoid social media. Honestly, if you asked me a month ago how I would be spending my Valentine’s Day I would say texting my boyfriend of 6 months that I was totally in love with, but things change. Everyone has those days where they just dread and as I moved forward on yet another Valentine’s Day single, only this time ending a relationship two days before, I encourage all the girls who are spent this day single to do fun activities to rebuild yourself. Here are a few things you can do after Single Awareness Day to totally treat yo’ self!

1. Buy yourself something nice

Whether you love shopping or not, it’s always a good feeling when you get dressed up.

2. Do your make up anyway you want!

Even if you don’t like make up, put something on that makes you feel good like fancy smelling lotion or perfume – something you don’t typically use unless it’s a special occasion.

3. Blast your music and dance around the room.

Strut your stuff, play your favorite music and dance your butt off! It’s a good stress relief and a good workout. Win-win situation!

4. Get the squad together

Friends are always a good way to avoid feeling alone and with them you can do anything you set your mind to!

5. Go work out

Not only does working out help get more fit, it also reduces stress levels!

6. Take a hot bath or shower

Take that “me time” you always talk about having but are too busy to actually enjoy! Put some soothing music on and just let your body relax and loosen your muscles.

7. Make a list of all the things you’ve done that you’re proud of

It’s so important to remind yourself how awesome you really are! A lot of us forget to be our biggest supporters but you can start now!

The days after Valentine’s Day can be a little rough, especially for those who didn’t get the ideal holiday. But just remember, you can be your own bae and no one is better than you!

*All images courtesy of Giphy

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