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Five Great Things That Happen If You Become An Orientation Leader

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

So you’re thinking about applying to become an Orientation Leader for your school. Maybe you’re doing it for the money, maybe its for the great resume builder; but whatever the reason, here are five of the things that you will enjoy most if you are an Orientation Leader for your school:

1. You make a ton of new friends!

At the beginning of training you have no idea who the other Orientation Leaders are, but trust me by the end you will have made a ton of new friends who you will see all over campus. Before, I often felt lost among the crowds of people at college, but now I can’t go anywhere without seeing one of my fellow OL’s! Everyone is so friendly and you now have a ton of new friends and support system during both orientation, as well as during the school year. 

2. You learn how to become a leader

I began the process with some leadership skills, but not as many as I want to have for my future career. From working with other talented people, to organizing activities and facilitating them, you begin to develop the leadership skills that are essential for your future. I didn’t really understand the huge impact that being an Orientation Leader would have on my life skills, but now I can really see that growth in other areas of my life as well. 

3. You create meaningful relationships with students

My students who came to all of my orientation events are now some of my closest friends in college. I helped them transition from high school life to college life, but the bond between us now is way deeper than that. I stay in contact with my students on a daily basis and we catch dinner and go to events every week. I cant wait to see where our relationship goes in the future. Its honestly crazy how close I became with my students and likely you will too!

4. You get to represent your school

You get to represent your school in the best way possible!! From checking students in, to pumping them up for the best school year ever, doing songs and dances, showing them all around campus, participating in old ceremonies…the list goes on and on!! You get to do a job that not many people on your campus get the privilege to do, so soak it all up girl!

5. You become so much more confident in yourself 

I was so shy before I became an orientation leader, but now I have the confidence to lead a group of strangers! This job boosted the confidence that I didn’t really have in myself. Now I take on life with a different perspective on things. 


Overall, if given the opportunity I hope that you can see how beneficial and amazing becoming an Orientation Leader really is!! It is a job like no other and I hope that it impacts your life just as much as it did mine.

PS. Here is me and my amazing little O-Group 6!! Just had to give these awesome guys a little shout out :) 




Lexie Sites 


All images courtesy of Lexie

Lexie Sites

Millersville '20

Hi! My name is Lexie Sites and I am a Early Childhood Education major with a STEM minor! HerCampus has allowed me to push my comfort zone, so I hope you enjoy reading my articles! HCXO, Lexie
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