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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

As the weather gets colder and the leaves start to change there is no better time than the fall to sit down, wrapped in your softest blanket with your favorite warm drink, and completely enrapture yourself in a cozy book.

All rhodes lead here

All Rhodes Lead Here written by Mariana Zapata tells the story of Aurora De La Torre, who, after a bad breakup, moves back to her small hometown in the mountains of Colorado, the same mountains that her mother went missing in years prior. She ends up renting a loft from the gruff owner and ranger, and the craziness ensues.

Between the small-town backdrop that she writes about and the descriptions of the mountains and the hiking trails, you get such a cozy feeling that feels like it’s just meant for the fall.

Mariana Zapata is a romance author, who is well known for her collection of slow-burn romance novels. So far I’ve read half of her back catalog of what she’s written and I can say that everything she writes is something to be treasured. Throughout the many romance books I’ve read, her slow burns have been the best thus far and I always look forward to what she has coming next.

A Discovery of Witches

This one I recommend purely out of pure selfishness, A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness is my all-time favorite novel to ever be written along with the rest of the All Souls trilogy. This was the book that changed the way I look at books and started my love of reading. 

Diana Bishop, a young Yale professor as well as a witch who is vehemently against her ability as such, travels to Oxford, England for her work that she’s working on. During this time she discovers a manuscript that’s been missing for hundreds of years which is told to contain the secrets of how witches, vampires, and daemons came to exist. Once the book is discovered, these factions of the supernatural will stop at nothing to learn its secrets. With the help of a vampire, Matthew Clairmont, who will stop at nothing to keep her safe, she discovers her own abilities as a witch.

This book is so immensely descriptive in all of its aspects from what the characters see in front of them to the science presented, and the history that the author writes about from her background as a historian as well. Something I really look for in books that I read in the fall is that I love the theme of Academia. I’ve noticed over time that it tends to inspire me with my own studies. 

House of Earth and Blood (Crescent City)

House of Earth and Blood Written by Sarah J. Maas is the first installment of the Crescent City series that begins with our main character Bryce Quinlan a half-fae, half-human woman who lives in a metropolitan City filled with many other creatures and who teams up with an angel named Hunt Athalar to solve the murder of her best friend As well as find a missing artifact. In the process secrets and hard truths are revealed, but Bryce and Hunt’s main concern is keeping the city safe.

This is an urban fantasy and long-standing Booktok favorite. With the third installment coming in the new year, I can’t even imagine where that book will take us. Once you finish Crescent City and are completely hooked, because believe me you will be, Maas has also published other incredibly popular book series like the A Court of Thorns and Roses series and the Throne of Glass series to tie you over.

Shades of Magic trilogy

The Shades of Magic trilogy By V.E. Schwab is a great adult fantasy series. Although it doesn’t take place specifically during fall, it does give off a strong essence of it in the writing. In four parallel Londons with varying levels of magic, a dark and corrupt magic escapes to where it shouldn’t be. The magician Kell and aspiring pirate Lila Bard must return it to where it belongs before it destroys his London and all the others. Throughout the series, they are not only dealing with the big bad but we also face some epic adventures that you wouldn’t expect.

Schwab has recently returned to the characters and the story with her new book The Fragile Threads of Power. This series is one that will consume you, and place you directly with the characters. I’m currently rereading this series myself, especially after the new release this past September and it feels like returning home in a way.

Elise Hartwell

Millersville '25

Elise is a junior at Millersville University majoring in English writing studies with a minor in Strategic Public Relations. Elise enjoys reading, listening to music, writing, dancing, and hanging out with loved ones.