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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

The 90’s are back meaning scrunchies are back and better than ever, and nobodies complaining. Everywhere I go, I see girls with cute scrunchies on their wrist or tied up in their hair. They’re so inexpensive that you can make one too match every outfit. Scrunchies only require straight stitching making it an easy DIY to try out.


Cutting mat, ruler, scissors

Sewing machine

Straight pins

1/8 yard of fabric 

Matching thread

¼” wide elastic

Large safety pin


*for best results avoid silky or slippery fabric as it would easily slide out of the hair*


Step one: Cut the Fabric

-Cut a 3” x 22” strip of the fabric

-Press each of the 3” wide ends under ¼”

-Face the wrong sides together to form a crease to follow later


Step Two: Sew the Main Scrunchie

-Fold the fabric in half matching the 22” sides making the right sides together

-unfold the ¼” crease that you previously pressed

-follow the ¼” seam, sew the long edge then one end closed with the elastic in place (shown in the picture)

*As you sew, secure the stitching with backstitching even around across the elastic as this prevents the stitching from coming apart as the elastic pulls when being used*


Step Three: Turn it out

-Attach the safety pin the open end where the elastic is showing

-Hold it as you turn the fabric right-side-out


Step Four: Attach elastics together

-Sew the elastic to the opposite closed end


Step five: Close the gap

-Straighten the fabric to make sure the seam lines up all the way around the scrunchie

-Slip the open end of the scrunchie over the visible elastic and sew across the ends securing it


ally levis

Millersville '22

Hey there, I'm Ally! I'm an interactive and graphic design major here at millersville! I'm a big fan of naps, chocolate chip pancakes and laughing at my own jokes.
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