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Cramer’s Guide to Pinterest

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

“Look at my hair, know where I learned to do this? Pinterest!” I said to a friend Thursday night at HoPi. Millersville, you barely even know that Pinterest has hit.

. It’s an obsession. Well, more like an addiction. The first day I was accepted to join Pinterest I seriously was on that site for a good three hours. I was fascinated and overwhelmed. I found a place where all my favorite things could be pinned onto boards for no reason at all, I also had no idea every pin showed up on Facebook newsfeed and annoyed most friends. But, I mean you win some you lose some.

Now some people may not be aware what Pinterest is. I had to explain what it was to my 30 year old male cousin the other day, and I became frustrated when he just didn’t get it. Not to be gender biased, but this is a site for the ladies, although I have seen some men on there now that I think about it. There are people out there who do not know what Pinterest is [insert gasp] so that is where I come in.

Pinning for Dumbies
Pinterest is a website where you create boards with various themes, then you browse aimlessly for hours through hundreds or thousands of pins, and pin these pins to your boards. That is all. Seriously, it sounds foolish and a waste of time, but it isn’t. There are lots of pins that give great ideas for everything in life (name of one of my boards, follow me) I know all my Elementary Education friends are on Pinterest and they find great ideas for crafts to do in class or to keep their future class rooms fun and organized. So request an invite to join, or have a friend invite you to the site. It may be the best decision you’ll make, but just so you know, you’ll lose an average of about 3-5 hours a week pinning.

The Best Boards
I did not care for the basic names of boards when I first joined Pinterest. So of course I put a Cramer spin on them, and now I love them. If you give your boards a fun name that represent who you are, you get a ton of followers. I really don’t know why I’m making Pinterest competitive, but it’s just a natural occurrence that happens. I seriously freak out when my boards are messy, and have to tidy them up once in awhile… gotta have good boards. It’s strange, but I think everyone on Pinterest has a wedding board. I have no intention of marrying anyone at any time soon, but the ideas they provide make me want to. Everyone has to know how to hang lanterns at the perfect heights for the reception, obviously.  And also it is totally acceptable to have boards dedicated to Ryan Gosling, cats, and DIY things that you may never get to do due to your constant pinning.

Pinterest might just seem like a dumb thing that will gobble up your time, but well I mean it’s better than Facebook stalking for hours only to run into the same status updates on your newsfeed. So ask a friend to invite you or sign up to join, so you can start pinning today.

And don’t forget to follow HCMillersville on Pinterest and check out our Pins of the Week every week!

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Amber Strazzo


Amber Strazzo was born in Queens, NY, but raised in Lancaster, PA. She is currently a Senior at Millersville University, studying Public Relations and Journalism. Amber is the Vice President of Programs of the Xi Tau chapter of Delta Zeta, and is very active in Greek life on her campus. She's a self-proclaimed social media junkie, and loves shopping, her Nook and catching up episodes of Pretty Little Liars. After college, Amber plans to head south for grad school for student affairs.