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7 Signs You’re Actually A Grandma Stuck In A Twenty Something Year Old Body

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

I’ve been called a grandma by my friends and family more times than I care to admit. And recently, I’ve read a lot of articles about girls feeling like they’re the “mom” of their friend group, always taking care of them when they drink a little too much, or need a ride somewhere. But what if you can’t relate — because you just feel older?? Here are some signs that you’re really the wise, old-spirited friend in your group.

1. Crawling into bed before 10 P.M. on any day of the week is an incomparable feeling.

Bonus points for freshly washed sheets!!


2. Your closet includes more sweaters and cardigans than you can count.

They make leaving the warmth of your bed just a little bit easier.


3. You watch a lot of cooking or house-flipping TV shows.

They’re just so comforting.


4. People who don’t dress appropriately for the weather distress you.



5. You never quite understand current slang.

What are the kids saying these days? Something about being lit?


6. Hearing people make plans for something that starts later than 8 P.M. is a great joke.

“Yeah sorry won’t be able to make it! Super busy night ahead of me…aha.”


7. In fact, going out at night at all is a chore.

Sure, you might have a good time, but you’ll ~always~ have a good time at home.





*All images courtesy of Giphy

Lisa Conolly


I am currently a sophomore at Millersville University, and I'm studying sociology! Besides writing for Her Campus, I love going to concerts, taking day trips to the beach, practicing yoga, and hanging out with friends on campus.  
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