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5 Ways To Make Studying Less Stressful

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

Finals week isn’t fun for anyone, but there are ways to study that are easier or at least less stressful than others. Trying to find a study room in the library shouldn’t have to be harder than the actual class material you are reviewing!

1. Remember to take breaks

It can be overwhelming to try and relax when you have so much to do, but a 15 minute break can actually make you more productive and will help you retain information. Staring at your computer screen can cause eye strain, so it helps to take a short walk or grab a cup of coffee instead of just spending your break on Facebook.

2. Study with friends

Some people get distracted by studying in a group. I myself tend to distract my friends. But if you really focus, it can help to have some friends from your classes to review (or learn) with. It helps to compare notes you take in class because your friends might have written down something that you missed.

3. Keep snacks nearby

Being cranky and hungry can make trying to focus on studying even harder. Keep some snacks on hand like pretzels or goldfish for when you start to get hungry.

4. Plan ahead

Sometimes you just don’t have time to work ahead or study that far in advance, but if you write down when you plan to study for certain classes it can be a big stress reliever. Also, when you write down the hours you need to work you might actually have more time than you feel like you have!

5. Celebrate!

If your schedule will allow it, try to celebrate a little bit after each final. You put in a lot of work and you deserve that time!


Good luck on your finals, collegiettes, and have a great summer!

I'm a sophomore Digital Journalism major at Millersville University. Along with writing, I am very passionate about music. I sing in the University Choir and Women's Choir here on campus. I also write and take pictures for the Snapper. I am a committed fan of Justin Timberlake and Captain America. I don't have a lot of free time but when I do I love to travel, spend time with my friends and family, and play with my cockapoo, Chloe.
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