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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

If you’re anything like me, you know that the beginning of the semester can feel very overwhelming. I find myself trying to do a hundred different things at once, and everything can get all jumbled together and confusing. So, I’ve come up with a list of habits to start during the first few weeks of classes. These can also be used for the rest of the semester!

Make a To Do List

It sounds so obvious, but this has helped me more than anything. I am a constant user of planners and calendars, and a simple To Do list for each day helps me keep myself on track hour by hour. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy (unless you want it to be!). I like using my Notes app on my laptop or phone, so I always have the list with me. In the past, I have simply written things down in a notebook and crossed them off once they’re completed. Writing out everything I need to do as well as when I have events and classes every day really has helped me to feel less stressed, and it is really nice to watch that list dwindle as you cross things off!

Schedule some You Time

Going off of habit number one, I recommend you schedule yourself some time for you. Whether it’s an hour to watch your favorite television show, or half an hour to read a chapter of your newest book, this time is going to help to center you and let you calm down a bit. Scheduling it into your day may seem like a lot but doing so helps me to make sure I actually do sit down for a while and just relax.

Meal Plan

Whether you are on a meal plan for your university, or are living off campus, having a plan for meals is going to help. Make plans to meet up with a friend or roommate to get dinner after class or lunch between. Come up with meal ideas based on your likes and dislikes, or by using Pinterest or the internet to look up new recipes and go to the store to buy the ingredients. Have a cooking night with some friends in your residence hall or apartment if you’re able. Whatever it is, planning for meals will once again make sure you actually have time to eat, and it can also provide you with what will probably be a much-needed break.

Get Out Of Your Room

I will be the first to admit that I love coming home from class and curling up in my room for the night. However, I always feel better when I go out for a little while. I’ll take a walk across campus, hit the gym for a short workout, run an errand, or go get ice cream with friends. If I’m studying, I’ll sit by the pond on my campus or go to the library or the student center on campus. It doesn’t have to be long, but having a change of scenery helps my mental health enormously. 

Ask For Help

Something I have had to learn is how to ask for help. Go to your professors’ office hours, talk to classmates, look things up when you can. There is no handbook that says you have to figure out everything on your own. If you are confused, chances are someone else is as well. There is absolutely no harm in getting a little assistance with something!

These tips help me stay on track throughout the semester and help me to feel less stressed. I love getting into these habits at the beginning of the semester, because they usually last me the whole way through to finals. I wish everyone a great semester!



Katherine McLaughlin

Millersville '23

Katie is currently completing her last semester at Millersville University, with a major in Digital Communication and Cultural Studies and a minor in Creative Writing and Publishing. Katie loves listening to music, traveling, riding rollercoasters, reading, hanging out with friends, family, and her dog, and writing for fun!