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3 Everyday Functional Outfits Worn by Queen Bey

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

We ALL know that Beyonce is the queen bee, but who would have thought that she is also the queen of functional, every day outfits? Take some inspiration from from Queen Bey and let your inner queen out!

Not only is the blazer totally functional for every day wear, but pairing it with gym shorts and white converse is flawless.

Because we run the world, I know that any girl could rock this laid back double-denim look whether it be going out shopping or lunch with your girlfriends.

Seriously, who isn’t crazy in love with oversized, perfeclty broken in t-shirt and a comfy pair of ripped jeans? Totally functional for almost every occasion.

Now ladies, get out there and let your inner Queen Bey shine through 


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Ashley Haywood


I'm a senior English major with a focus in writing studies and I hope to someday write for a publication within in Lancaster area. I drink more coffee than I probably should, my cat is my baby, and I'm obsessed with my planner. You'll always find me on campus in the library with a cup of coffee in hand! 
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