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Why I Love My Business Fraternity

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Miami (OH) chapter.

With business fraternities in the throes of new member interviews, we here at HC thought it’d be great to show all of you rushing how much current members love their fraternity. We got some great feedback from a few members of AKPsi, PSE, and Pi Chi Theta; here are some snippets of what they had to say!

HC: What made you join a business frat?

Danielle Fraelick (Senior): “I did not have a lot of qualifications but felt that a business frat would be a perfect way to grow myself professionally and meet some new people outside of the group of athletes I had been friends with.”

Shruti Nanda (Senior): “During every intro to business class I had, they really emphasized developing your resume, your online persona, and your network. A business fraternity seemed like the perfect way to develop all of those skills for myself.”  

“Once I started the recruitment process I started to really enjoy the other aspects of business fraternities (the brotherhood and the philanthropy). After being in AKPsi for a year and a half now, what keeps me around is, of course, our amazing professionalism but its more about the bonds I have created with all of my brothers.”

Carley Powell (Junior): “One of my best friends was talking about it constantly and shared how beneficial it was for her, and so she helped me sign up!”

HC: What kind of experiences set your business frat apart from other student organizations?

Danielle Fraelick (Senior): “Not knowing too much about other organizations, I can’t speak to this all too well. However, I do feel that we have a great balance of everything that most other organizations lack. We have a strong professional presence, where we bring in speakers from a variety of companies, help each other with interviewing skills and resumes, and prepare each other for the careers we will have after graduation. Additionally, we have a strong brotherhood presence that resembles Greek life. We have socials on weekends, we hang out during our class breaks, we grab dinner Uptown together and we support each other. I have made some great friends through this organization that will continue beyond my years at Miami. Finally, we are very involved with philanthropy in the community.”

Shruti Nanda (Senior): “I honestly think the sheer size of what Alpha Kappa Psi does is what sets us apart. We have over 100 members, 15 Exec Positions, and 18 committees.  The large network you get with the current brothers and alumni is one that is extremely unique in our organization. On the other hand, it is so easy to get involved in whatever you are interested in whether that is the environment, investing, entrepreneurship, or a number of other things. AKPsi is a different experience for every member and each brother can tailor their experience to fit what they want out of AKPsi. Not many organizations have the breadth and depth we have in what we do. Another thing that sets us apart is our corporate sponsorship program. We currently have seven corporate sponsors who we develop a unique and close relationship with.”

Carly Powell (Junior): “PSE is exceptionally different because we accept all majors, in and outside the business school. This allows for a diverse team dynamic within our real world project opportunities to provide a well-rounded experience, which is how most jobs will be after graduation. We’ve done projects with Target, FiveStar MEAD, and Schneider Electric to name a few. In addition, we build upon skill sets and have many workshops to improve interviewing, communication, and professional skills. Beyond this, we have a strong networking system through our private CareerFair and SpringICE dinners with recruiters that want to come talk to PSE members solely. In addition, we are the only business fraternity in the nation that is Market and Sales, Advertising and Promotions, and Management and Leadership.”

Emily Due (Junior): “We are the newest business fraternity on campus and we are still experiencing quite a bit of growth. We look for members who take initiative, want to be leaders, and have room to grow with our organization. Also, we go on business trips to different places; last fall we went to Chicago to meet with different companies and this fall we are doing the same in Indianapolis, and we host etiquette dinners and speaker events.”

HC: How does this kind of experience affect your career goals?

Danielle Fraelick (Senior): “I am currently on the fence between a career in supply chain (my current major) and sports journalism (which I have always had an interest in). I wouldn’t say there are any direct connections between my experience in AKPsi and my career, but everything I have done has helped me grow professionally and as a person. More than anything, it has challenged me to do more- to be more involved, to go above and beyond, and to continue to work hard in everything that I do.”

Shruti Nanda (Senior): “Before I joined AKPsi, I knew what I wanted to major in (Finance/Accounting) but I really had no idea what line of work I wanted to go into. After joining AKPsi, talking to brothers and getting the opportunity to meet all of the Big 4 Accounting firms I decided that that was the route I wanted to go. I would not have been able to make this decision if I hadn’t talked to brothers who had already interned or gotten full time offers from these firms. Additionally, AKPsi has given me amazing experiences to talk about in interviews with large corporations which, hopefully, set me apart from the other qualified candidates.”

Carly Powell (Junior): This affects my goals by enhancing how I see my future. I am in an environment where I am constantly supported and encouraged to be a better professional, student, and person.  It’s such a unique friendship that develops because you have so much fun together, and yet you are working on projects together to apply what you learn in classes and perfect your expertise.

Emily Due (Junior): “As a founding member of Phi Chi Theta I am able to talk about what we went through in forming this organization on campus during future interviews, which will help me get started in my career. Also, through meeting recruiters on business trips I am able to find companies that suit me and decide if I can see myself working for them at some point in the next few years. Finally, etiquette dinners and speakers play a part as well in my future career.”

HC: What advice would you give to a new student thinking about joining?

Danielle Fraelick (Senior): “Don’t be nervous! Easier said than done, because I was definitely shaking throughout my entire interview. Just be yourself, because every member has been in your shoes in their first interview experience with a lackluster resume and not much to speak about. But that’s what we want- we want people who have potential to grow, who don’t have it all together yet, but have something that they can bring to our chapter, whether that is passion for philanthropy or a determination to lead our chapter as president one day.”

Shruti Nanda (Senior): “To understand what they want out of an organization before they go through the recruitment process. Different organizations have their own strengths and understanding what organization fits what you are looking for is a very important step.  I would also recommend that they be prepared and fully committed to anything they do. You should always be passionate about whatever organizations you are involved in and those are the types of people AKPsi, as well as other organizations, are looking for.”

Carly Powell (Junior): “JOIN.  Whether you’re hesitant or not, go to an info night, talk to as many people as possible, and OPEN your mind to the opportunities out there! It’s impossible to fathom just how beneficial it can be!”

Emily Due (Junior): “To figure out what they want to get out of the organization and what they are able to bring to the organization. It is so important to know why you are joining an organization because it will help you to have goals once you are in one. Knowing your own skills and traits that you can bring to an organization is just as important as having an idea of what the organization can give to you. It is important to be confident in what you have done in the past to prepare you for a new organization, different things such as leadership, teamwork skills, and past involvement.”

HC: Broadly, what’s your favorite part of being in the fraternity?

Danielle Fraelick (Senior): “While I love all the opportunities I’ve had through philanthropy, I would have to say its the people I’ve met and the friendships I’ve made. Everyone in my organization has similar goals and values; we are all passionate, hardworking individuals that want to be the best. I think this brings us closer, this common goal of wanting to succeed, and it is great to see the lengths people will go in order to help each other out.”

Shruti Nanda (Senior): “The amazing friendships I have made through this fraternity have by far been my favorite thing. I came in as a freshman not really knowing many people and have since then made some of my best friends through AKPsi. The brotherhood we have in our fraternity is something I feel daily and I am so humbled to be surrounded by so many amazing, fun and dedicated friends who I would never have had the chance to meet had it not been for AKPsi.”

Carley Powell (Junior): “The dynamic teams you get to work on – you’re getting your feet wet in so many different subject areas with a variety of skill sets and friends. It’s unbelievable.”

Emily Due (Junior): “Overall, my favorite part about being in a business fraternity is the professional relationships that I have made throughout my time in the organization. I have bonded with the chapter and have made memories here on campus and have also made future connections.“

Josh is a graduate student pursuing his Master's degree in History. He has Bachelors degrees in both History and Creative Writing.