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What do Guys Think Makes a Girl Beautiful?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Miami (OH) chapter.


Miami is infamous for having more than its fair share of attractive people. We are known for having plenty of cuties on campus, both guys AND girls! But what is it really that makes a person special? Is it simply their looks? How they dress? Or the overused, “it’s what’s on the inside?” I got down to the nitty-gritty of the question, and found out for myself. What makes a girl truly beautiful is a question I know we are all dying to know the answer to!

I asked several guys that I know personally, and here are the secrets they shared with me:

●      A good laugh

●      A pretty smile

●      Being able to hang out with my friends (this shows that she isn’t too girly, and will hang out with the guys too)

●      Having a kind heart

●      The ability to be goofy and have a great sense of humor

●      Taking care of herself, physically and mentally

●      Pretty eyes

●      Intelligence

●      Different talents (dancing, and singing)

●      Being determined to reach goals

●      Believing in herself

●      Having a selfless attitude

●      Confidence and independence

●      Showing dedication to something she loves (hobbies, school, friends, family, etc.)

●      Establishing goals (for school, work, or life in general)

●      Being able to talk to any group of people in a social setting

●      Being open with communication in a relationship

●      Being a good cook or baker (my younger brother told me this one!)

Before I asked different guys their opinions on this question, I was almost certain that all of the answers would pertain to physical qualities. These answers surprised me in a good way! It is reassuring and refreshing to hear that most of the qualities are ones that us girls would want to possess (and for the most part already do)! Yes looks can make people beautiful or attractive, but in reality, it’s the mentality and personality that can be equally as attractive. We are all beautiful (Christina Aguilera would never lie to us), but the above traits make us that much more personable and desirable. 
