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Things We Wish We Knew Freshman Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Miami (OH) chapter.

Welcome to Her Campus Miami (OH)! Our team is made up of Miami students, like yourselves, who are committed to be your personal guides for all things Miami.

Your clothes are unloaded, your room is setup and your parents are giving you goodbye hugs. Now what? Suddenly that overwhelmingly scary and exhilarating feeling of independence hits you like a brick. But before you panic keep in mind these tips for a great freshman year provided to you by your fellow students.

1. Keep your door open. The truth is, every first year student is looking to make friends. Especially the first week of school, so leave an open door as an invitation for new people to introduce themselves.

2. Explore. Don’t be afraid to go somewhere you’ve never been before. Travel to the other floors in your dorm and to new places on campus. You never know what hidden places might catch your eyes. You might find secret study spots or short cuts to classes!

3. Mix it up. You might be tempted to stick to what is comfortable your first year at Miami and cling to the people you already know. Don’t be afraid to branch out! Try to meet as many new people as possible and form new connections; you wont regret it!

4. Get comfortable with the campus.
Lets be honest, everyone pulls a “total freshman move” their first year. You will get turned around from time to time and feel a bit lost your first week. (Which red brick building was I supposed to be going to?) So here is a genius tip to never get lost on campus: take a picture of the Miami map on your cell phone so you can refer to it incognito.

5. Know your professors. Every teacher has their own teaching and grading style. Some teachers are known to take questions from the book while others completely disregard the book and go off of their lectures. Use office hours to get to know your teachers and their style. You might even find your new mentor.

6. Work hard play hard. College is supposed to be fun so DON’T forget to enjoy your freshman year. Trust us, you can never get it back. However, college is also a lot of work. So don’t be afraid to seek extra help when needed. Visit the Rinella Learning Center or Howe Center for Writing Excellence for great tutors and writing consultants.

7. Keep your swipe handy. You don’t want to be “that girl” rummaging through her bag holding up the line in the dining hall. And word to the wise, avoid wearing it around your neck on a lanyard, this is a way for upperclassmen to spot a freshman.

8. Learn to love High Street. High Street has some of the best food on campus, you just have to know where to go. Fiesta Charra is a great Mexican restaurant that is perfect for a big group. Need a place to celebrate birthdays or corridor dinners? There are tons of great options uptown.

9. Stay healthy. The dreaded freshman fifteen is looming over your head like a dark ugly cloud so don’t forget to maintain your healthy physique. Besides the Rec Center try hiking trails on Western Campus or a group fitness class. You can try classes for free during the first week of school!

10. Get involved. The best way to meet new people is to join a club or find an activity you enjoy. Check out Mega Fair from 1-4 p.m. at Millet Hall on August 25 and be sure to look for Her Campus!

11. Make a first-year bucket list. Create a list of some of your goals for the year. And don’t be afraid to be bold; if you want to be a model in a fashion show put it on the list and take advantage of the once in a lifetime opportunities Miami offers.

12. Love and Honor Miami. Any senior starting their final year at Oxford will tell you they’ve had the best for years of their life at Miami and they will be making the most of what short time they have left. Don’t wait until your senior year to start experiencing Miami to the fullest. If you sit in your dorm room all of the time or leave campus every weekend you won’t get the full Miami experience. Think of this year as a chance to totally redefine yourself. A chance to be the best version of you and to try new exciting things! Branch out and take chances because you will never get this first year back.

Good luck and live it up guys! You’re in for the best four years at an amazing university. If you found any of these tips helpful, the Her Campus writers have much more in-store all year long. Check back weekly for news, upcoming events, campus cuties and everything you will need to know as students living in Oxford, OH.

Morgan Weemhoff is a sophomore at Miami University. She is the Event Coordinator for the Miami (OH) Chapter of Her Campus.
Alaine Perconti graduated from Miami University (OH) with degrees in Marketing and Journalism. She is the co-founder of the Miami (OH) Chapter and was President from 2011-2013. After graduation, Alaine moved to Cincinnati, OH where she works for a digital marketing agency and is an active volunteer for a local animal rescue. As an HC Alum, Alaine is now a Her Campus Chapter Advisor and is excited to be a positive influence and professional partner for CC's in her new role.